Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Sociology. Politology

ISSN 1818-9601 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8998 (Online)

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Социальные функции религиозной веры в рамках морально-психологического обеспечения военнослужащих

Fadeev Andrey Yu., Penza Theological Seminary

The author of the article considers religious faith in it’s social functions as a factor of strengthening the moral and psychological state of soldiers. The article gives a theoretical justification of the need of religious education within the framework of the unit’s assistant commander’s duties in working with religious servicemen. The spread of religious meanings can not only consolidate the society, but also lead to its separation. Appealing to the religious consciousness patterns should be based on the traditional religious and ethical norms. Besides, the religious faith compensatory function includes the existential component allowing the believing serviceman not only to overcome the instinct of self-preservation, but also to fill his earthly existence with positive meanings. Particular attention is paid to the destructive function of religion and specific forms of preventive work among the servicemen to avoid its influence are given.


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