От кризиса нравственности до возрождения традиционных семейных ценностей россиян
The material of this article is a part of a scientific Project implemented by an initiative group of Russian scientists since 1995. The article is analytical. The presented materials reflect the modern problem of the Russian state and society, generated by breaking of the existing Soviet system in 1991, the destruction of the communist ideology, and the simultaneous search for new perspectives, meanings and values in the construction of a new Russia. The authors confidently stand on the position that is determined by the conviction that the development of Russia is possible only on the national foundations of national culture, and the Russian family is the main social institution that determines the country’s sustainable development. The moral crisis is viewed as a consequence of the situation in 1991, and as the cause of negative trends in modern Russia. This crisis affected, to a greater extent, the youth and the institution of the Russian family, which forms the basis and condition for the country’s sustainable development. The authors hope that Russia will overcome the moral crisis, the mentality of the Russian people simply will not allow the country to be destroyed.
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