Эволюция представлений об информационном обществе в современной западной социологии
In the article features of evolution of the sociological approaches formed in the western sociology to the analysis of an information society are considered. Ideas and ideas of foreign and domestic sociologists, offering their own interpretations of the term information society were considered. The stages of the formation and development of the idea of the information society are revealed. At the first stage, the conceptual foundations of the information society as a special social reality are being formed (the 70s – the mid 90s of the XX century). At the second stage, diversification of basic approaches to sociological analysis is consolidated (mid 1990–2008). At the third stage, the basic research approaches are being rethought (now). The article also examines the basic features of the information society and determines the role of the civilizational criterion, on the basis of which the characteristics of the information society are given. The rapid growth of information technologies and the development of new means of communication show the significance and heuristic potential of this criterion in the new conditions of development of western sociology.
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