Доверие к власти в региональном контексте: социологическое измерение
In article on the basis of results of sociological poll of the Saratov region the level of trust of residents of the region authorities of various levels is analyzed. During the analysis direct correlation link is revealed: the level of the power is higher – the level of evaluation of quality of work of its representative is higher. High level of approval of Russian President activity is revealed. So, nearly 70% of inhabitants of the Saratov region completely or mostly support and approve his activity. 48% of respondents approve activity of the Governor, a quarter of respondents in a full and partial measure don’t approve work of the Governor, also about a quarter approve and criticize equally. Assessment of activity of heads of municipalities in the explored districts of the area is low. 35,6% of respondents don’t approve, 26,2% – approve and don’t approve equally and 25,7% approve work of the regional municipalities. A number of the social and demographic features defining estimates of respondents is revealed.
1 См.: Вебер М. Политика как призвание и профессия. Избранные произведения. М., 1990. С. 31.
2 См.: Царёв А. В. Проблема доверия к власти в России. URL: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/problema-doveriyak-vlasti-v-rossii (дата обращения: 24.10.2017).
3 См.: Этноконфессиональная ситуация в Саратовской области : общая характеристика и проблемыреализации государственной национальной политики в регионе : учеб. пособие / сост.: И. А. Бегинина, С. Г. Ивченков, Я. А. Никифоров, С. В. Ситникова, Н. В. Шахматова. Саратов : Саратовский источник, 2017. С. 45.