Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1818-9601 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8998 (Online)

Центральная Азия

The attitude of the host Russian community towards migrants of other ethnicities as a factor in migration behavior (using the example of Yekaterinburg residents)

The article substantiates the need to institutionalize the integration of migrants based on negative demographic trends in Russia. The authors analyze migration theories and propose the basis of the institutional approach as a methodological basis for the formation of integration models of migrants into the host community. The authors substantiate the importance of analyzing migration behavior as part of the integration process, not only of the migrating, but also of the host community.

Post-soviet states of Central Asia: A comparative analysis of political systems’ transformation

The article contains a comparative analysis of processes and results of formation of political systems of four post-Soviet states of Central Asia: Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. Based on the distribution of powers in the triangle of institutions of supreme state power: president – parliament – government, the type of political system of all four countries – electoral autocracy – is determined.


В статье обосновывается необходимость институционализации процессов интеграции мигрантов, основанная на негативных демографических трендах в России. Авторы делают анализ теорий миграции и предлагают базу институционального подхода, как методологическую основу для формирования интеграционных моделей мигрантов в принимающее сообщество. Представлены результаты исследования социологических опросов, проведенные в 2017 (N=485) и в 2024 гг. (N =1400), которые показывают динамику готовности принимающего сообщества к интеграции с внешними мигрантами. Выявлена позитивная динамика роста потребности российского сообщества в культурной интеграции с мигрантами. В выводах обосновывается необходимость развития адаптивной модели интеграции мигрантов в условиях трансформации миграционных потоков.

Публичная дипломатия в урегулировании конфликтов: возможности для Центральной Азии

The article deals with public diplomacy’s conflict-resolution potential in Central Asia. The author notes that in the existing research discourse public diplomacy is analyzed generally in the context of peace-time practice. The conflict-resolution potential of the given phenomenon often appears out of the sight of scientific works.

Особенности формирования центральноазиатского направления публичной дипломатии Ирана

The article is concerned with the analysis of the evolution of Iranian public diplomacy in Central Asia. The author examines the circumstances of revitalization, development features and the current state of Iran’s public diplomacy in the region. The author argues that despite the cultural and civilizational resource on which Iranian soft power in the region relies, the political and ideological features of the new independent states limit Iranian public diplomacy to a certain extent.