Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1818-9601 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8998 (Online)

общество знания

От информационного общества к обществу знания

Статья посвящена понятию «общество знания» как способу концептуализации современности. Рассматривается различие знания и информации. Представлены концепции Н. Штера, Д. Белла, М. Кастельса и других. Необходимыми условиями становления общества знания выступают глобализация и развитие информационно-коммуникативных технологий.


Возможности и перспективы становления общества знания в эпоху глобализации

The article covers an overview of the main approaches and concepts of globalization, that giving an understanding of development the knowledge society only in the global and information society. The concept of the knowledge society makes it possible to realize the impossibility of globalization without the development of information, communication and network technologies. The opposite is also true. Thus, the knowledge society development and globalization are becoming complementary elements.

Социальные и гуманитарные технологии в обществе знания

In article the essence social and humanitarian technology at the present stage of development of information society – formation of society of knowledge is considered. Generalizing various determinations of social and humanitarian technologies, the conclusion that in these concepts object and target aspects of technologies are staticized is drawn. Tendencies of use of social and humanitarian technologies, their classification by the general subject, common goals, results of application, the used methods and means come to light.