Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1818-9601 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8998 (Online)

социальные сети

External and internal threats as a risk factor for effective political communication of local governments

The article outlines the features of political communication of local governments in the context of new information challenges and threats. The role of municipal administrations in the formation of the information fi eld is determined by the example of the Saratov region. The tasks facing the heads of local administrations in the process of information and communication support of their professional activities in social networks are analyzed. The risk factors for information support of the activities of local governments in the modern information space are identifi ed.

Heuristic potential artificial intelligence in the analysis of social networks

Artifi cial intelligence is an important part of modern life. AI exists to improve lives and free up time and resources for the tasks that require thoughtful human action. The advent of artificial intelligence (AI) created new data analyzing the capabilities of the modern phenomenon of social networking, accurately analyzing and understanding the dynamics of online communities and users` sentiments. AI succeeds in such area as social media. Internet users use social media to communicate, search for information, buy things and even work.

The user's self-presentation in social networks and the problem of context collapse

This article discusses the social problems of communication in social networks that provide a platform and tools for the formation of a virtual network identity. The features of the behavior of users of social networks and the tactics of their self-presentation when constructing a personal network profi le are described. It is argued that in the process of social communication, people present diff erent versions of themselves depending on their audience and adapting their own self-presentation to the perceived values and preferences of the interlocutors.

On the issue of digital socialization

The article presents the reflection on the digital socialization. It is noted that the dynamics of actor socialization in the conditions of digitalization is due to information «challenges» that form a conscious desire to master social experience through online contexts, regardless the social actors` age.

Открытые механизмы инкорпорирования социальных сетей в систему публичного управления: российский опыт

В статье определяется изменение роли социальных сетей в ре-
зультате их инкорпорирования в систему публичного управления.
Автор типологизирует и характеризует открытые механизмы
инкорпорирования социальных сетей во властно-политическую
и административно-управленческую подсистемы публичного
управления. На основе исследования российских практик инкор-
порирования социальных сетей оценивается их конструктивный
потенциал для разрешения общественно значимых проблем и
повышения эффективности публичного управления.

Глобализация, потребление, виртуализация как культурные контексты идентичности

В статье рассматриваются особенности социологической интерпретации глобализации, потребления, виртуализации как культурных контекстов идентичности.

Трансформация гуманитарного образования в контексте формирования виртуальных социумов

В статье  с  социологической  точки  зрения  анализируются  особенности формирования и изменения образования в процессе 
создания виртуальных социумов

Distinctive Features of Virtual Forms of the Modern Political Protest

This article describes virtual forms of modern political processes, their distinctive features as well as it makes an attempt to determine their on national and international security. Politicization of the information and communication environment in modern society is an indisputable fact. Besides publications of news of the political contents and their discussion in virtual space there were also protest political actions.

Разведывательные службы ЕС: проблемы информационной перегрузки

This article demonstrates the flaws of EU intelligence agencies the past decade in the field of counterterrorism, in particular regarding Jihadi terrorism. Since 2014 the West European countries fell victim to the violent actions of Islamic State (IS), which has a huge presence on social media, both on the surface web and on the Darknet. The goal is to outline the most important case-studies of Jihadi terrorism that were plotted and carried out by the terrorists and yet, not prevented by the classical intelligence authorities.

Кризисная коммуникация власти и общества в социальных медиа: определение проблемных зон

The article is devoted to the possibilities of crisis communications between the government and society in social networks. The authors are of the opinion that in modern research and political practices insufficient attention is paid to studying the potential of political communication in social networks in a crisis situation.
