Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1818-9601 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8998 (Online)

социальные сети

О коммуникативной природе электронной культуры

The Internet, as the global communication channel, is a factor systemically transforming all social reality. Digitalization of almost all spheres of life, communications virtualization and the expansion of network interactions lead to deep changes in the social structure, social institutions, sociocultural mechanisms for the functioning of society and revising ethical and legal norms. Transformation changes of a large-scale sociocultural context generate a new type of culture.

Цифровые каналы коммуникации протестующих: национальная специфика и возможности межстранового функционирования

The article considers the mechanisms of media corporations’ infl uence on the process of designing and coordinating political protests in the USA, France, China, Belarus, and the Russian Federation in the context of digital globalization. Methodological basis of the research consists of the methods of case study and comparative analysis. The authors study fi ve cases refl ecting the specifi cs of communication channels through which national digitalization scenarios of political protest are implemented and carry out comparative analysis based on the authors’ criteria.

Разработка алгоритма для сбора социологических данных из онлайн-сообществ университетов в социальной сети ВКонтакте

The article tells about the study of online communities at Saratov State University. In the course of the study, a Python algorithm was developed to search for online communities according to certain criteria and a social graph was built, which was further transformed using a clustering algorithm. The obtained results of the study can be used to increase the recognition of the university in social networks, which will raise the prestige of the university and attract more applicants.

К вопросу о цифровой социализации

The article presents the reflection on the digital socialization. It is noted that the dynamics of actor socialization in the conditions of digitalization is due to information «challenges» that form a conscious desire to master social experience through online contexts, regardless the social actors` age.
