Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1818-9601 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8998 (Online)

игровая инклюзия

Структурные основания взаимодействий в онлайн-играх

The article examines the structural foundations of interactions between gamers in online games on the example of the youth segment of Russian audience of computer games. The analysis of the main elements of in-game mechanics structuring the communicative interactions of gamers in online games is carried out on the basis of the B. Latour’s actor-network theory, allowing us to consider the game as an actor of socio-technical interactions.

Gender aspects of the gaming practices in the youth segment of the Russian computer games audience

In the last decade, all over the world and in Russia, in particular, there has been an active development of the computer games industry and an increase in the gaming audience, while an outstripping growth of the youth audience is recorded every year. The presentation of the realities of the gaming audience of computer games is fruitful, taking into account the gender characteristics accumulated in computer games.