Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1818-9601 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8998 (Online)


Reserve servicemen as an object of sociological research

The article discusses the specifics of military personnel after the end of military service, their problems of transition to the civil society. It is noted that they retain their connection with the army, a social institution consisting of a rigidly hierarchical large armed aggregate of people, under the control of the state, ensuring the protection, defending national interests and providing assistance to other countries in confl icts.

Военные науки и наука о войне в понимании российских и австрийских исследователей

The article is a review of the bilingual collective monograph “Military Sciences versus War Science in Austria and Russia (Militärwissenschaften versus Wissenschaft über Krieg in Österreich und Russland)”. The monograph under review is the result of a Russian-Austrian scientifi c seminar on problems of war and military science. Book consists of two sections. In the fi rst section, the authors of the monograph consider a number of methodological and ideological problems of the war.