Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1818-9601 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8998 (Online)

традиционные ценности

От кризиса нравственности до возрождения традиционных семейных ценностей россиян

The material of this article is a part of a scientific Project implemented by an initiative group of Russian scientists since 1995. The article is analytical. The presented materials reflect the modern problem of the Russian state and society, generated by breaking of the existing Soviet system in 1991, the destruction of the communist ideology, and the simultaneous search for new perspectives, meanings and values in the construction of a new Russia.

Риски формирования и возможности мониторинга приверженности российских молодых граждан традиционным ценностям российского общества

The challenges that domestic and foreign policy of the Russian state is facing today make it urgent to find the means by which it would be possible to direct the civic education of Russian youth, in general, and to instill in them respect for the traditional values of Russian statehood and public life, in particular, in a constructive way.