Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1818-9601 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8998 (Online)

политическая мобилизация

Особенности рекламных коммуникаций оппозиционного кандидата (на материалах предвыборной кампании П. Н. Грудинина)

The article contains results of the research of advertising communication of the candidate P. N. Grudinin. Drawing on the data from social surveys, the author puts forward a thesis that the political idea promoted by the candidate is irrelevant for the majority of voters in Russia. The following features of advertising communications are highlighted: an appeal to the past; the lack of attempts to expand the electoral base; use of oppositions.

Протестный медиа-активизм в современной России и перспективы его развития

The article attempts to study protest media activism in modern Russia, taking into account the manifestation of its new forms, such as online rallies, as well as an analysis of the prospects for its further application in the protest practice of modern Russia.