Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1818-9601 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8998 (Online)


Роль Русской православной церкви в политической социализации молодежи

In article participation of Russian Orthodox Church in political socialization of modern youth in Russia is analyzed. Characteristics of forms and methods of church youth policy with which the ROC expands are distinguished and deepens the religious influence on youth, at the same time promoting process of assimilation by the person of the values and regulations leading to forming of the qualities and properties allowing to adapt in this political system and to carry out political roles and functions.

The Construction of Social Reality: Socio-linguistic Aspect

This article presents the problems of language role in the process of socialization, from the points of radical and social aspects of social reality construction. It is shown that the symbolic nature of language signs governs the creation of meanings to implement mutual understanding in the process of socialization. Special attention is paid to social conditionality of language functions in cognitive aspect of construction of social reality.

Раннее материнство как проблема преждевременной социализации российских подростков

The article deals with early motherhood as the problem of premature teenager socialization. The age-related mastering of mothers’ social roles by teenager girls is the result of deviating and premature socialization. The boundaries of premature socialization, which society sets for adolescents and the age stages of mastering certain roles are discussed. The problem of early motherhood is shown as a deviation from the established chronology of the events of the socialization process.

Социализирующий потенциал региональной системы образования для лиц с ОВЗ: риски и точки роста

The article presents the analysis of the existing risks in the regional education system in ensuring the socialization of persons with disabilities in the environment of normativity peers. The risks include not only organizational and material conditions but also social attitudes, beliefs and fears of educational subjects. On the basis of the available data the conditions for reducing these risks are presented.

Роль масс-медиа в социализации личности и поколений (по социологическим материалам)

The problem of socialization of the individual and generations is one of the most urgent ones. The influence of mass media is associated with certain challenges and risks for society and individuals, especially in relation to socially insuffi ciently mature children, adolescents and youth. It is in the young age that individuals go through the most crucial stage of socialization and the formation of a socially mature personality.
