Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1818-9601 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8998 (Online)


Фрейминг медиа-текстов как инструмент воздейств ия на аудиторию: обзор распространенных трактовок

В статье рассмотрены основные подходы к определению фреймин-
га, проанализированы виды и механизмы формирования фреймов.
Автор обосновывает тезис о неправомерности отождествления
фрейминга и установления повестки дня второго уровня.

Эволюция политической функциональности российских СМИ

В статье рассматриваются особенности нормативно-правовой базы российской медиасреды, влияние общественно-политических процессов, бизнеса, властных структур на деятельность и
функциональные характеристики СМИ. В зависимости от меняющихся политических ролей СМИ автор выделяет и характеризует три этапа развития российской медиасистемы.

Methodological Limitations of Mass Media Texts’ Analysis

The main methodological problems a mass media researcher usually faces are considered in this article. The author deems it possible to overcome them by using coders, preliminary articulating controversial issues, and taking into consideration existing principles of media outlets’ functioning.


Certain premises of the federal laws of the Russian Federation (i.e. «About Mass Media», «About Information, Information Technologies, and Protection of Information», «About Providing Access to Information Concerning State and Municipal Bodies’ Activity») conducive to the media literacy formation are considered in this article. Political dimension of media literacy is substantiated.

Политическая культура современной российской молодежи в контексте медийной грамотности и влияния СМИ

Based on public surveys results’ analysis, the main features of Russia’s youth disposition towards politics are considered in this article. The author describes the media component of the youth political culture within the context of the degree to which their media literacy is formed and suggests pessimistic and optimistic tendencies the phenomenon under consideration has.

Политический сегмент медийной грамотности студенческой молодежи: вариант измерения

In modern science, attempts to measure media literacy / media competence are made from time to time. However, those who try to do it usually employ different theoretical premises, interpret phenomenon under consideration in their own ways, and, as a result, use various criteria for evaluations. Based on the analysis of more than hundred most oft-quoted (both in foreign and Russian scholarship) definitions of media literacy, the author offers his own conception of the term and puts forward the way it can be measured.

Проблемы функциональности демократии: методологические подходы к изучению

The main objective of this article is to identify the features and causes of non-compliance/distortion of the basic principles and values of democracy as the main problem of its improper functioning. The analysis is based on the study and comparison of classical and modern works on democracy, which touch upon the interaction of democracy with the media, the elite and capitalism, in order to systematize approaches to the study of the problems of its functionality.

Грани медиаобразования в трудах научной школы А. В. Федорова: политические аспекты

Empirical base of this article is comprised of five monographs by A.V. Fedorov and his colleagues published from 2013 to 2015. The author highlights several, from his point of view, the most urgent and important issues touched on in the writings considered. An idea is substantiated that necessity to develop social and political model of media education is becoming patently obvious nowadays.