Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1818-9601 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8998 (Online)


Идеи примордиализма и конструктивизма в работах П. А. Сорокина

При анализе национально-этнических проблем обращение к идеям П. А . Сорокина столетней
давности представляется оправданным и необходимым. Отвергая биологический подход к
анализу этнонации, он не отвергает ее объективного бытия. Определение этнонации пред-
полагает указание наиболее существенных признаков, но отсутствие одного или нескольких
признаков не лишает понятия «этнонация» смысла в конкретных исторических и географиче-
ских условиях.

Technology Policy of the Regional Political Processes in the North Caucasus

The methodological base, problems and peculiarities of political control in the North Caucasus. We study the ethno-political situation in the region, the political elites and other actors. We highlight some of the causes of political tensions in the region, to develop mechanisms for decisions and recommendations.

Ethnos, Endogamy, Blood Relationship

The problems of ethnos, endogamy and consanguinity are being analyzed in the article. Endogamy and the feeling of blood relationship are being considered as a peculiarity of a specific ethnos and they cannot be made absolute for all ethnic groups. Absence of the myth of the ethnos common origin is not always an obstacle to ethnos formation.

Место и роль национально-культурных организаций в политическом пространстве саратовского приграничья

The article analyzes the influence of ethnic factor in the post-Soviet space using the example of the Saratov region. On the basis of a public survey conducted in eight districts of the region, the activities of national and cultural organizations as subjects of civil society and the regional political process are considered. Their interaction with the authorities, difficulties, and contradictions arising in the process of implementing the programs and goals of national and cultural organizations are studied.