Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1818-9601 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8998 (Online)

политический миф

Роль Белорусской художественной литературы в формировании политического мифа о Грюнвальдском сражении

В статье идет речь о формировании в сознании белорусского народа постулата об исключительной значимости Грюнвальдского сражения через национальную художественную литературу. Особое внимание уделено причинам и приемам трансляции национально ориентированного образа исторического сражения.


The publication analyzes the causes and the logic of transition, which is observed in the mass consciousness of society and elites, from the ideas of «communication» of political subjects, as a means of solving their specific political problems, to the idea of it as the final practical result of modern politics. Effects of that transition for the dynamics of political processes at various levels are predicted.

«Жизнь» важнее «свободы»: актуальный тренд в мифологии либерально-демократического процесса

 Reasons and consequences of changes within motivational sphere of contemporary liberal and democratic politics in our country and abroad are analyzed in the article. Inherent in recent liberal and democratic politics, social and mythological concept that civil freedoms are the supreme value and any sacrifices (made by a man or society) to defend them are reasonable is gradually displaced with another stereotypical and socially valuable precept.