Izvestiya of Saratov University. Sociology. Politology. 2025, Vol. 25, iss. 1
Scientific section. Sociology
Antonova O. G., Novichkova I. Y., Koloyarceva E. A.
Socio-economic determinants of the citizenship phenomenon
Abramova S. B., Valeeva M. V.
Social fears and happiness: Dualism in the formation of the delayed happiness models
Salganova E. I., Bredikhin S. S., Shchetinina E. V.
Digital and neurotechnologies in sociocultural space as the subject of sociological analysis
Britvina I. B., Shumilova P. A.
The attitude of the host Russian community towards migrants of other ethnicities as a factor in migration behavior (using the example of Yekaterinburg residents)
Maliy V. I., Gusev V. V.
Technological sovereignty of the Russian Federation in the new economic conditions: The objective need for the revival of industrial production
Khodykin A. V.
The diffi culties in measuring socio-demographic indicators in mass telephone surveys
Scientific section. Politology
Berdnikova E. V.
Political and legal mechanisms of combatting ideology of anti-natalism in the Russian Federation
Sharapov A. V.
Specifics of the pre-election fi ght of young candidates in the deputies of the Legislative Duma of the Tomsk region in 2007–2021