Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1818-9601 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8998 (Online)


The impact of voter turnout on the legitimacy of presidential elections in the worldwide

This paper reveals the impact of voter turnout on the legitimacy of presidential elections based on the materials of 20 largest states holding such elections in terms of the number of voters. In March 2024, presidential elections were held in Russia and in November elections are scheduled in the United States, the outcome of which will have an impact on the domestic and foreign policies of these states.

Political image during the electoral period: Based on materials of the pre-election campaign in the Nizhny Novgorod region in 2023

The content of the political image of one of the regional Russian leaders during the electoral period (elections of heads of Russian constituent entities in 2023) is studied in the article. The purpose of the paper is to identify the features of the symbolic and semantic content of the network image of a regional political leader during the pre-election period. Fulfi llment of the set research goal is carried out using the concept of the image-role construct and methods of content analysis (qualitative-quantitative type) and comparative analysis.

Перспективы дистанционного электронного голосования в России

The paper evaluates the advantages of remote electronic voting through the prism of Russian national context, discusses the obstacles to its mass use. The author comes to the conclusion that in Russia there are no legal, socio-political and technical preconditions for the transition to this kind of vote in the near future. The most possible and it seems to be advisable the implementation and deployment of remote electronic voting in remote and sparsely populated areas of our country.

Information Preferences, Current Problems’ Evaluation, and Attitude to the Government of the Provincial Constituents in Anticipation of the Federal Parliamentary Elections (Analysis of the Massive Social Surveys and Focus-group Investigations’ Results)

The authors analyze the results of the massive social surveys and focus-group investigations conducted in November–December, 2015 in municipal districts of Saratov region which are the parts of Saratov district constituency. People’s informational preferences, their attitude to the government, politicians, and elections were probed. Specific recommendations on elaborating electoral strategies in the run-up to the State Duma elections have been formulated.


The author considers two main interpretations of the information’s role in electoral procedures’ fulfilment in contemporary Russia and substantiates his own point of view that a great deal of competing electoral subjects’ information influence on voters forms a feeling of predetermined outcome of the elections and significantly decreases citizens’ motivation to take part in voting.

Контроль на выборах: политико-правовой аспект

ВIn Russian practice, election control is a part of any election campaign. According to the current electoral legislation of the Russian Federation, a fairly wide range of people have the right to exercise control, in addition, web cameras are used at polling stations for observation. The amendments to the electoral legislation of the Russian Federation are aimed at strengthening control over the voting process and counting the votes of voters in elections.

Особенности электоральной деятельности политических сил «второго эшелона» в современной России

Analysis of the second echelon parties and social associations’ participation in electoral processes within single voting day in September 2020 is presented in the article. An inference is made that as a result of municipal elections in different regions of Russia transformations related to strengthening oppositional forces’ resources have taken place; these transformations can manifest themselves as early as during the State Duma election-2021. Elections have shown that motivation of protest voting “we want reforms” is growing in popularity.

«Левый» поворот Америки: новое поколение социалистов

The article is devoted to the change in the attitude of American society to the ideology of socialism at the beginning of the XXI century. The article examines reasons for popularity of leftist ideas in the United States, the most popular interpretations of the concept of “socialism” among American citizens, taking into account their age or belonging to a particular social group.

Левые партии в современном политическом процессе Европы

The article examines the role of European left parties in the politics of their countries and the European Union. The author of the article examines the main types of European left parties, their program goals and the electorate.