Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1818-9601 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8998 (Online)

mass media

Social consequences of the impact of foreign media the on young people`s protest activity

Today, the Russian Federation, in the new dynamically transforming realities: the confrontation of Western ideology, the cultivated "culture of cancellation", as well as conducting of a special military operation of Russia on the territory of the Ukraine (SVO), faces many tasks protecting the population from aggressive information and the infl uence from the outside. Especially vulnerable to digital "stuffi ng" are young people – a socio-demographic group characterized by an unformed worldview and value attitudes.

The image of the “alien” in the infrastructure of the Russian city (the example of Chelyabinsk region)

The article aims to identify the criteria of the "image" of a migrant and "migrant" infrastructure, to describe the problems of interethnic relations, integration of migrants from Central Asia in a Russian city (using the examples of cities in Chelyabinsk region). The author relies on 540 interviews with the local population of six cities of the region (Chelyabinsk, Kopeysk, Magnitogorsk, Miass, Zlatoust, Troitsk), as well as the results of observations, content analysis of mass media and Internet resources.

Methodological Limitations of Mass Media Texts’ Analysis

The main methodological problems a mass media researcher usually faces are considered in this article. The author deems it possible to overcome them by using coders, preliminary articulating controversial issues, and taking into consideration existing principles of media outlets’ functioning.

The Phenomenon of Suicide in the Study of Contemporary Theories and Concepts of Media

The article presents the analysis of theories and hypotheses of foreign as well as Russian authors who studied social aspects of the media. The value of various scientific schools which developed their own interpretations and ideas is noted, however all the analyzed theories reveal the social character of this means of communication. The aim of the research is to explain the theoretical foundation to study the media as a social phenomenon as well as examining the notion of a suicide in the perspective of the media theory.


Certain premises of the key Russian legal documents (i.e. Constitution, Doctrine of Information Security, and Conception of State Information Policy of the Russian Federation) conducive to the media literacy formation are considered in this article.


Certain premises of the federal laws of the Russian Federation (i.e. «About Mass Media», «About Information, Information Technologies, and Protection of Information», «About Providing Access to Information Concerning State and Municipal Bodies’ Activity») conducive to the media literacy formation are considered in this article. Political dimension of media literacy is substantiated.

Информационный суверенитет современного государства и основные инструменты его обеспечения

The article is devoted to the study of the concept of “information sovereignty” and the basic means of its implementation. The article reveals the reasons that have aggravated the demand of the state for the construction of information sovereignty. Moreover, the paper reveals the main components of it. Further in the item, the concepts of the “information shield” policy and the “information sword” policy are analyzed and conceptualized. The differences between them are detected, the resources necessary for their realization are analyzed.

Транснационализация средств массовой коммуникации в процессе глобализации

The subject of this research is the transnationalization of mass communication as a phenomenon directly related to globalization. Based on the comparison of the views of different scientists, the author analyzes the place of the media and communications in modern society, in the transition of different social relations (economic, political) of the levels of competence of national States at the international, supranational level.

Способы противодействия политическим манипуляциям в СМИ

The main methods to counteract manipulative techniques used by mass media for political purposes are considered in this article. Among others, the author argues the necessity to compare information from different news sources, to check credibility of the facts conveyed by journalists, and to evaluate the extent to which a story is balanced.

«Волны» моральных паник в российском обществе 1990–2010-х годов: историко-социологический анализ

The article provides a sociological rationale of constructing moral panics in Russian society in 1990- 2010s. Statistical data are used, as well as a secondary analysis of the results of sociological research: both the research of other scientists and their own author’s developments.
