Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1818-9601 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8998 (Online)


Образование как главный фактор в обеспечении национальных интересов государства

In this article, the author tries to conceptualize and analyze the educational factor in realizing the national interests of a state. The author applies the method of analytic eclecticism for education complex analysis in the frames of different theoretical concepts. In the system of national interests priorities the author offers to consider the system of education in the context of three interdependent factors: as an instrument of national security; as a main factor for social and economic development; as a mean of political influence (soft power).

Анализ тенденций применения технологий искусственного интеллекта в образовательной сфере

The article discusses the main trends in the field of artificial intelligence in relation to the educational sphere. The analysis of the use of artificial intelligence technologies and their impact on the higher education system was carried out. The attitude of the citizens of the Russian Federation to artificial intelligence in education was investigated. The main reasons for the fears of the respondents about the use of intelligent information systems in the educational sphere were identified.

Тенденции развития научно-образовательного пространства в современной России

The article considers the fundamental concept of «scientific and educational space» as the integration of two fundamental spheres – science and education, on the one hand, and the territorial space of our country, on the other. The article deals with the trends in the development of scientific and educational space and their interaction with the Russian urban environment and province. The problem of increasing the human and intellectual potential of the territory is studied.

Культурологические аспекты феномена неопределенности

The article examines the prerequisites for increasing uncertainty in the context of the globalization of society, and pays special attention to the definition, characteristics and features of the cultural aspects of the phenomenon of uncertainty. The reasons for the dominance of this phenomenon in the scientific, artistic, and everyday consciousness are clarified. The article substantiates the need to study the consequences of the implementation of the uncertainty principle in the fields of culture, education, and production.

Роль масс-медиа в социализации личности и поколений (по социологическим материалам)

The problem of socialization of the individual and generations is one of the most urgent ones. The influence of mass media is associated with certain challenges and risks for society and individuals, especially in relation to socially insuffi ciently mature children, adolescents and youth. It is in the young age that individuals go through the most crucial stage of socialization and the formation of a socially mature personality.

Технический прогресс как фактор развития института образования

Education is one of the most important institutions of social reproduction, providing both the processes of socialization and the formation of the professional competence of society members. Education as an institution is not static. It changes under the infl uence of various social factors, and, in particular, it is transformed depending on what social demands are.
