Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Sociology. Politology

ISSN 1818-9601 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8998 (Online)

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Тенденции развития научно-образовательного пространства в современной России

Gusev Vladimir V., Povolzhsky Institute of Management named after PA Stolypin - branch of the Russian Academy of Science and Engineering under the President of the Russian Federation, Saratov
Kuzmin Egor A., Povolzhsky Institute of Management named after PA Stolypin - branch of the Russian Academy of Science and Engineering under the President of the Russian Federation, Saratov

The article considers the fundamental concept of «scientific and educational space» as the integration of two fundamental spheres – science and education, on the one hand, and the territorial space of our country, on the other. The article deals with the trends in the development of scientific and educational space and their interaction with the Russian urban environment and province. The problem of increasing the human and intellectual potential of the territory is studied. The positive aspects of integration relations between education, territories and the contradictions that arise when the main actors of the scientific and educational space interact are considered. In particular, the contradictions between the elite and egalitarian education, the concentration of elite education in large cities and the one-sided interaction between large cities as the centers of scientific and educational space and remote territories are revealed. Besides, the problems of the outflow of promising population and youth from rural areas from the province to large cities are discussed. It is concluded, due to the development of industry, the availability of jobs with high wages, preserving the existing potential of the educational institutions in the province make it possible to further develop scientific-educational spheres.

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