Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1818-9601 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8998 (Online)

political ideologies

Value Bases of Contemporary Elites’ Recruitment: Problems and Perspectives

The idea that today ideological values play accidental and instrumental role in the process of political elites’ recruitment is postulated in this article. The reason is that classic meta-ideologies (i.e. liberalism, conservatism, and social democracy) have lost preciseness of the borders of their positioning because of mutual value borrowing and formation of a so-called consensus value core.

О структуре политических идеологий в условиях ценностной конвергенции российских партий

The main features of using political ideologies in post-Soviet Russia as well as value-based convergence of different parties are considered in the article. The author concludes that value markers, which previously served as tools to identify and draw the lines between various party ideologies, have lost their initial meanings. The reason is that by using information and communication technologies modern parties base themselves upon converged “universal human values”.

«Левое» будущее России: рефлексии партийных теоретиков и электората

In their minds, subjects of democratic politics constantly form and optimize images of future changes in functioning of the state and society, use them as a tool in the struggle for political infl uence and leadership. The article provides a comparative analysis of how this creative process is going on within Russian civil society today, in the minds of ordinary citizens and party elites committed to left-wing political values.

Ценностно-идеологический фактор формирования у современной молодежи образа будущего России (региональный кейс)

 The article considers results of social survey on the problems of the image of the future in the views of young people, conducted in 2021 in the Saratov region. Based on the analysis of  the materials obtained, the importance of the value and ideological factor in the formation of various representations of the desired image of the political, social, and economic development of the country is revealed.

Идеологические предпочтения молодежи как фактор представлений о желаемом будущем России

The article considers results of a representative social survey (N = 2021) and focus groups conducted in November 2022 on the issues of value motivation of young people’s attitude to the main directions of state policy in modern Russia.