Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1818-9601 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8998 (Online)


Пространство и граница России в ценностном измерении

The article reveals the understanding of space and the state border as a national value of Russia. As a result of historical development, due to the presence of a constant threat to the country and the resource mobilization for its protection, the citizens of Russia have formed a sustainable defense consciousness and understanding of the border as a sacred value. The article raises the question of further understanding of the problem.

Некоторые вопросы взаимодействия России и Китая в Арктике

The article is devoted to the consideration of the reasons and a number of areas of cooperation between Russia and China in the Arctic region. The importance of this region for Russia and China is analyzed. The advantages of the Arctic for the two countries in terms of territory, economy, and politics are revealed. The conclusion is made about the relationship between the COVID-19 pandemic and the exacerbation of the crisis of political and economic relations between China, Russia, and the United States.

Подготовка кадров для наукоемких производств в системе непрерывного образования

At present the higher education system does not meet the employer’s requests. Therefore, the concept of lifelong education is becoming more and more relevant. One of the aspects of such education is a corporate university which not only provides the necessary knowledge to work for a particular company, but also improves general cultural skills. On the basis of expert interviews (N = 100) conducted in 2017–2019. it was considered as high-tech industries are ready to participate in personnel training in order to have well-trained employees and receive economic profit.

Расторжение брака в постковидный период: причины и последствия

The article is devoted to the study of the main trends in divorce rates in three subjects of the Russian Federation (Moscow, Saratov and Chelyabinsk regions) for the period of 2011–2019, taking into account a number of socio-demographic indicators: gender, age, duration of marriage, number of children in the family and the place of residence (city / village).

Отношение российской молодежи к СВО: роль медийного сопровождения государственной политики

The purpose of this article is to analyze the role of media support for the actions of the Russian authorities in shaping the attitude of young people to the special military operation (SMO) in Ukraine. The results of sociological surveys are analyzed regarding the level of interest and concern of young people about what is happening within the framework of the SMO, as well as their approval of the course towards a forceful solution to the conflict and the most preferable prospects for the further development of the situation.

Военные науки и наука о войне в понимании российских и австрийских исследователей

The article is a review of the bilingual collective monograph “Military Sciences versus War Science in Austria and Russia (Militärwissenschaften versus Wissenschaft über Krieg in Österreich und Russland)”. The monograph under review is the result of a Russian-Austrian scientifi c seminar on problems of war and military science. Book consists of two sections. In the fi rst section, the authors of the monograph consider a number of methodological and ideological problems of the war.

Отражение концепта «российская угроза» в военно-доктринальных документах прибалтийских государств

It is shown that the fundamental principles of military policy are concretized in documents under the integrative name “military-doctrinal document”. It is often referred to as the theoretical core of military policy. A methodology has been developed for studying military-doctrinal documents of foreign states in the context of the “Russian threat”. The methodology is based on the PEST analysis method with the addition of a military aspect to it.
