Подготовка кадров для наукоемких производств в системе непрерывного образования
At present the higher education system does not meet the employer’s requests. Therefore, the concept of lifelong education is becoming more and more relevant. One of the aspects of such education is a corporate university which not only provides the necessary knowledge to work for a particular company, but also improves general cultural skills. On the basis of expert interviews (N = 100) conducted in 2017–2019. it was considered as high-tech industries are ready to participate in personnel training in order to have well-trained employees and receive economic profit. Attention is also drawn to the current state of the professional education system. The experts’ opinion on the corporate education, as well as on the basic university departments as one of the forms of such education is pondered upon. The interview is also focused on the effectiveness of continuing education courses. Attention is paid to the problems of insufficient level of professional competencies facing the employers and the possibilities of overcoming them. The experts expressed their opinion on the changes that they would like to see in the professional education system. Possible options for the development of professional training for lifelong education were considered. The article focuses on the interaction between lifelong education institutions and high-tech industries which will help bridge the gap between the education system and real production.
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