Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1818-9601 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8998 (Online)

social network

Имидж политического лидера в эпоху цифровых медиа-технологий: особенности формирования

The problem of forming the image of a political leader using digital media technologies is, no doubt, urgent. The development of digital technologies and creation of new technological methods of political activity on their basis is happening so rapidly that researchers simply do not have time to comprehend the processes taking place. In this regard, any research that addresses this issue in a particular area is of great importance.

Интернет-технологии воздействия на социально-политическую активность молодежи: социологический анализ

The article presents the results of the study that included the materials of two authors’ social polls (Nizhny Novgorod, 2020, n = 560) and the data on the search queries of Internet users from the WordStat service from “Yandex” company. The main research is dedicated to assessing technologies for influencing the socio-political activity of young people.