Izvestiya of Saratov University. Sociology. Politology. 2015, Vol. 15, iss. 4

Изв. Сарат. ун-та. Нов. сер. Сер. Социология. Политология. 2015. Т. 15, вып. 4
Full Text (PDF):
Scientific section. Sociology
Beginina I. А., Ivchenkov S. G., Shahmatova N. V.
The Social Infrastructure of the City Through the Prism of Public Opinion of the Saratov Youth
Pleshakov A. P.
Social Obligations of the Russian State in the Economic Crisis and Worsening Geopolitical Situation
Koval I. V., Zabuga E. V., Karmatskaya E. V., Koval O. I.
Soсiology-research «Forsayt-aspect» to Use Creativity in Training of Competitive Experts
Kalinnikova M. V., Karelin M. A.
Role of Musical Culture in Forming of Youth`s Value Orientations
Saiganova E. V.
Features Values Youth Employment in Regional Perspective (on the Example of Saratov)
Nagimova A. M., Zaynullina M. R.
Public Assessment of the Economic Situation in the Republic of Tatarstan: Experience of Sociological Research
Kudaev A. V.
Social Guarantees in the Conditions of Transition of the Russian Society on an Innovative Way of Development
Scientific section. Politology
Semenova V. G.
Monocentrism Regional Authorities: Political and Legal Study of Regional Political Regimes (on the Example of Saratov Region)
Petrov D. E.
Institutional Framework Ensure the Territorial Security Concerns of Russian Federation Subjects and Municipal Levels
Zevako Y. V.
Political and Administrative Regulation of International (Inter-ethnic) Relations in the City of Baikonur: Current State and Prospects
Sukiasyan A. K., Evstifeeva O. G.
Political Culture is as an Immanent Mechanism Institutionalization Social Responsibility Business Community
Golub Y. G.
The USS R and Great Britain on their way to operation «Countenance», the August, 1941
Cheredayko D. M.
Role of Traditions and innovations in Socio-political Dynamics of Modern Society
Mishin K. Y.
Theoretical Productivity and Restriction Usage of Economical Category «Efficiency» for Assessing Authority Legitimacy