Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Sociology. Politology

ISSN 1818-9601 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8998 (Online)

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Отражение концепта «российская угроза» в военно-доктринальных документах прибалтийских государств

Zabuzov O. N., Institute of Socio-Political Research – Branch of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ISPR FCTAS RAS)

It is shown that the fundamental principles of military policy are concretized in documents under the integrative name “military-doctrinal document”. It is often referred to as the theoretical core of military policy. A methodology has been developed for studying military-doctrinal documents of foreign states in the context of the “Russian threat”. The methodology is based on the PEST analysis method with the addition of a military aspect to it. Given its lack of development, the essential content of such categories as “military sphere”, “military factor”, “military activity” is analyzed in order to clarify and isolate the components of the military aspect. The essential content of the military aspect is proposed. Analysis of the content of military-doctrinal documents is also based on a frequency-ranked linguistic analysis, which is preceded by lemmatization. Based on the proposed methodology, the refl ection of the “Russian threat” in the military-doctrinal documents of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia is analyzed. For a better visual perception of the analysis results, a word cloud was used. An integrative analysis of the military-doctrinal documents of the Baltic States regarding the concept of “Russian threat” was carried out. The frequency distribution of dominant lexemes is constructed on the basis of an integrative analysis of the military-doctrinal documents of the Baltic States.

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