Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Sociology. Politology

ISSN 1818-9601 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8998 (Online)

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Социальные функции молодежных объединений через призму мнения активистов

Kaliyeva Zhadyra A., West Kazakhstan University named after M. Utemisov

According to the results of the sociological survey conducted in 2019 (N = 350 people on probability quota-target sample), the synthesis of social and individual needs of young people was revealed when social solidarity as an urgent need is combined in the work of its associations with functional emotionality, satisfaction from meaningful fullness of interesting and useful activities. The popularity of youth groups’ activities, according to the younger generation, depends more on their socio-cultural content with the inclusion of an emotionally-positive context, helping to express themselves (conferences, concerts), and on the other hand – to feel unity with other participants (processions, demonstrations, etc.). These motives act as a direct indicator of the self-determination of the individual, the demand and feasibility of their subjective civil rights, the expression of a personal understanding of their social status and capabilities. 72,0% of the activists surveyed pointed to the Internet as the main source of information about the activities of youth associations which demonstrates the trans-progressivity of young people. However, traditional habits of young people are also strong. The second most popular source of information was communication with relatives, friends, the beloved ones (53.3%), which confirms the significant role of resources of network social connections. In the course of youth’s association activities both the personal qualities of the younger generation (accuracy, attentiveness, analytical thinking), and social qualities (planning skills, self-organization, leadership, communication) develop. In other words, participation in youth activities is associated with the mechanism of implementation of young people’s needs and interests, and, at the same time, serves as a source of changes in their personal values, and forms certain stereotypes of consciousness and behavior of the younger generation. 

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