Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1818-9601 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8998 (Online)


Digital and neurotechnologies in sociocultural space as the subject of sociological analysis

The article analyzes the problems that have arisen in connection with the active development and application of digital and neurotechnologies in the everyday life of young people. The authors, on the basis of the theoretical analysis and the results of specifi c sociological studies, suggest that the practice of digital and neurotechnologies in general aff ects the perceptions of a person, his/her consciousness and thinking. In the course of the study, a set of general scientifi c methods was applied.

Media practices of “digital” generation: Political context

The object of this research were representatives of so-called “digital” generation of Russian youth (people born in the fi rst decade of the 21st century), and the subject was media practices common among them. Despite the fact that within Russian scholarship, quite a lot of attention is traditionally paid to the problems of media consumption by young people, various aspects of political dimension of the formats of interaction with the media widely spread among young people are rarely in the focus of attention of scholars.

The formation of the need for a healthy lifestyle among students: Market trends of physical education and wellness services

The article actualizes the need to study the behavioral characteristics and psycho-emotional portrait of consumers of the market of physical education and wellness services. The main attention is paid to the study of the formation of consumer preferences when choosing services, their needs and expectations from the services provided, as well as the infl uence of various factors on the decision to receive services from this market segment.

Inequality of Saratov youth: Socio-demographic content

The problem of social inequality among young people is particularly acute due to the contradictory impact on the younger generation. That is it stimulates its mobility, but is intensifi ed due to the limited resources of the region; families, provoke social tension and various deviations, including birth rate restriction. Therefore, it is important to study the demographic aspects of social inequality. The article presents the results of a sociological study conducted by the questionnaire method in Saratov in 2023.

Influence of socio-economic diff erentiation of youth on its political identity

This article examines the features of the political identity of provincial youth based on socio-economic diff erentiation. It is noted that the youth environment is not homogeneous in its socio-economic status and such diff erentiation in the context of a Special Military Operation, an unstable political situation, and social tension presupposes a diff erent political identity. In turn, this leads to destructive activity of young people in relation to government offi cials, as well as to intergroup confl icts.

Social consequences of the impact of foreign media the on young people`s protest activity

Today, the Russian Federation, in the new dynamically transforming realities: the confrontation of Western ideology, the cultivated "culture of cancellation", as well as conducting of a special military operation of Russia on the territory of the Ukraine (SVO), faces many tasks protecting the population from aggressive information and the infl uence from the outside. Especially vulnerable to digital "stuffi ng" are young people – a socio-demographic group characterized by an unformed worldview and value attitudes.

Entertainment and educational preferences of youth as a resource of political socialization

The presented research is built around the question of conditions for the effective use of images of mass culture as a resource for correcting the life strategies of young people. It is concluded that the images produced by mass culture are potentially able to significantly influence formation of life strategies of young people, only if there is a certain set of conditions.

Two years of Special Military Operation: Dynamics of changes in the attitude of youth

The article presents results of a study of young people’s attitude towards the Special Military Operation (hereinafter – the SMO). Data from monthly measurements carried out from March 2022 to January 2024 by Levada Center (recognized as a foreign agent in Russia), as well as the results of two online surveys (n = 2872) and a series of focus group interviews of young people (n = 74) conducted in November 2022 and November 2023 by employees of the Department of Political Science of Saratov State University are analyzed.

Specifi cs of political science interpretation of political identities of young people N

The article substantiates the diff erence between political science and sociological approaches to the analysis of political identities of young people. The authors come to the conclusion that the sociological approach in most cases assumes that political identities of citizens are analyzed and interpreted by the researcher as relevant at the time of conducting sociological research as a resource and tool for political selfreproduction of the social system.

The role of sports in the system of socialization and healthy behavior of young people: Regional aspect

The article updates the need to study the role and importance of sports in the system of socialization and health-saving behavior of youth in the region (using the example of the Republic of Tatarstan). The understanding of the socialization system is being updated through the prism of the totality of the diversity of determination mechanisms and conditions that can act, including the conditions for the formation of value systems for a healthy lifestyle and playing sports, which formulated the research problem presented in this article.
