Формы взаимодействия предприятий и учебно-образовательных структур при подготовке кадров для инновационных предприятий региона
The article discusses educational practices and forms of interaction among enterprises, universities, colleges, educational centers and other structures in the process of training for innovative enterprises of Ulyanovsk region. In this regard, some differences in the approaches of new industries and enterprises that have existed since the Soviet era are indicated. In particular, this concerns the development of various intracorporate retraining and advanced training programs, including their own educational centers. At the same time, such formats are not devoid of the contradictions and are different for workers and specialists, for universities’ and colleges’ graduates. In general, the development of innovation sector poses new requirements for training and readiness of the education system to take into account the constantly changing demands of enterprises with new technologies and new products. On the other hand, the role of non-institutional forms of training of employees, their desire to improve, develop and the ability to independently search for and receive new knowledge in constantly changing conditions are emphasized. In this regard, the ability to self-study, including the involvement of online educational portals was highlighted. The importance of the early orientation of children to study technical disciplines and the role of children’s technology parks, joint school classes with innovative enterprises, and the importance of interregional competence centers for secondary special education was emphasized.
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