Межнациональная коммуникация в городском пространстве Дагестана: состояние и тенденции
The problem of international communication becomes important in multinational society because of the variety of different factors. The problem of international cooperation acquires special significance in polyethnic society due to various factors as this phenomenon indicates the state of international sphere measurement. Also, the stability and positive development of modern polyethnic society in the international spheres depends on the character of their stability and their communication frequency. The problem of international communication is an actual one for the city area due to its mosaic picture of nations and religions there. The empirical data reveal the positive attitude to multinational communication in the mass consciousness of the Daghestan city population. There is also an orientation to support ethnic contacts, though some social spheres are thoroughly defined for the multinational dialog activation in Daghestan. Moreover, the research results, according to Bogardus schedule, state that there are positive attitudes to other national groups in the mass consciousness among Daghestan city population. There is also readiness to accept the representatives of other national groups in different social spheres, though some differences are present in regard to marriage and family spheres. The empirical data point out that the level of socio-economic position influences the character of multinational communication: dissatisfaction of economic position can generate multinational intolerance and negative attitude to wealthy people.
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