Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Sociology. Politology

ISSN 1818-9601 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8998 (Online)

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Финансовая организация как специфический объект социологического исследования

Kulagina Polina Yuryevna, Saratov State University

Russia’s exit from social and economic crisis defines the need of the financial organizations’ transition to sustainable target development. Ensuring this development involves clarifying the changes in the essential characteristics of the financial organization and considering social and labor conflicts as a condition for the implementation of this development. Therefore, today it is important not only to clarify the transformation of the financial organization essence, but also to identify the role of social and labor conflicts as a social prerequisite for its development, to prove that conflicts are an integral part of the social and labor relations of the organization, a prerequisite for its dynamic development. The investigation purpose is to determine the specifics of the financial organization as a social system and, on the basis of theoretical scientific traditions results analysis, to clarify the social and labor assets of the financial organization. The methodological basis of the research is a functional methodological approach determining the interpretation of the organization as a social system with its specific structure, elements, development factors, each of which performs a specific function. The investigation results are: the main social and labor assets of a financial organization, the social resources (the composition of employees with specific financial and professional potential), the financial resources (deposits, technologies, information flows) are disclosed. The conclusion: a financial organization is a social system that provides services for the implementation of monetary circulation, lending, sale of securities. Its development determines the gradual modernization of social and labor principles, the transition to the formation of innovative factors of organizational development. The process of financial organization development inevitably creates the conditions for social and labor conflicts. It is impossible to ignore negative or mechanical administrative means to suppress these conflicts. It is important to systematically diagnose the social and labor environment, identify the factors of aggravation of conflicts and to realize the programs for their smoothing and resolution.


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