Эффективное использование интеллектуальной собственности в современных российских социально-экономических условиях
The article analyzes the problem of the effectiveness of the use of intellectual property in modern Russian socio-economic conditions. It is shown that intellectual property, digital infrastructure and the turnover of intellectual rights are becoming key factors determining social and economic growth. One of the important socio-economic indicators of the country’s technological development is the level of patent activity that reflects the opportunities for the knowledge generation sector to influence the real economy. The level of patent activity is traditionally estimated by the coefficient of inventive activity. Speaking about the effectiveness of the use of intellectual property, the article suggests first of all to assess the existing challenges and develop measures to counter them. It is noted that the state has made a lot of efforts to improve the traditional Institute of intellectual property – codification of legislation, introduced the Institute of free licenses, created state information systems for recording various types of intellectual property. In Russia, the business sector, making up the main part of the economy, is the most backward in matters of intellectual property. It forms only one third of the patents for inventions. This fact shows the huge potential of transformation of work with the technologies of the corporate sector. Analyzes the main challenges that hinder the effectiveness of the use of intellectual property. The main directions of development of the sphere of intellectual property are allocated. It is noted that Russia is entering an era of digital markets of intellectual property rights in the conditions of not formed culture of creation, turnover and consumption of intangible goods.
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