К вопросу о формировании здорового образа жизни студенческой молодежи (на примере Оренбургского государственного университета)
The article is devoted to the study of the students’ orientation to a healthy lifestyle and to the using of the University’s potential to improve their health. The main components of a healthy lifestyle are considered, and the main preventive actions for promoting health are described in the article. The events of Orenburg State University that aimed at maintaining and promoting healthy lifestyles are analyzed. The administration of the University realizes an active policy of promotion and maintenance of students’ health, which includes: the organization of institutions for the provision of primary health care, the functioning of educational and sports complexes and clubs, and events aimed at promoting a healthy lifestyle. At the same time, the study showed that the opportunities of the institution could be used more efficiently. During extra-curricular time sports sections operate on a fee basis with no discounts for students. The system of informing students about the University’s events that related to the promotion of healthy lifestyles is underdeveloped; most students know nothing about such events. Only a third part of students seek medical help in the student clinic, and getting some certificates that confirm a valid reason of missing classes for a dean is called the main purpose. The results of the survey indicate that most of students consider health as a necessary condition of successful life and choose it among the main life values, but only a half of the respondents pay health a due attention using the meager list of factors of a healthy lifestyle to maintain and improve health.
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