Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Sociology. Politology

ISSN 1818-9601 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8998 (Online)

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Besschetnova О. V., Balashov Institute (branch) of the Saratov State University named after N.G. Chernyshevsky

Patriotism is very ambiguous, the meaning and the value of which is estimated often diametrically opposite. It is viewed from the perspective of many humanities – philosophy, sociology, psychology, etc. The article contains the results of the research of the youth patriotism (N = 320), which was conducted in April – May 2015 in Saratov region. The study found that, while maintaining consistently high external indicators of patriotism, there is a discrepancy between the young people’s awareness of the concepts of “patriot” and “to be a patriot”, as evidenced by the significant decrease in the number of people who are ready if necessary to do everything possible for the country and stand in its defense.


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