Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1818-9601 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8998 (Online)

Scientific section. Politology

«Discomfort» of Modern Democratic Social and Political Systems’ Development and the Problem of «Comfort» Alternative

The article is about analysis of extrinsic and intrinsic problems, threats, and risks contemporary social and political systems are facing. The author is looking for the new world order model capable of neutralizing of the modern world controversies through providing comfort conditions for the life and development of contemporary societies.

Value Bases of Contemporary Elites’ Recruitment: Problems and Perspectives

The idea that today ideological values play accidental and instrumental role in the process of political elites’ recruitment is postulated in this article. The reason is that classic meta-ideologies (i.e. liberalism, conservatism, and social democracy) have lost preciseness of the borders of their positioning because of mutual value borrowing and formation of a so-called consensus value core.

Methodological Limitations of Mass Media Texts’ Analysis

The main methodological problems a mass media researcher usually faces are considered in this article. The author deems it possible to overcome them by using coders, preliminary articulating controversial issues, and taking into consideration existing principles of media outlets’ functioning.

Liberal Parties Special Features of Positioning in Info-communication Environment of Modern Russia

The given article deals with the specific features of liberal parties positioning in info-communication environment of modern Russia under conditions of strained international relations.

«Governmentalization» of the Russian Liberalism

The article refers to the principal directions of strengthening of the government role in the different areas of the social life in modern Russia, which were formed in 1990-s as a result of the actions of liberal reformers in order to strengthen their positions in the Russian society. The following conclusion has been drawn: the ambition to make irreversible the process of liberal transformation of Russian society considerably defined the highest social cost of reforms and great split of the society, features of existing political regime, all the contradictions and draw

Civilizational Choice in a Political Evolution of Russia

The article analyzes the problem of civilizational choice of Russia and its alternative in the political development. The author describes concepts of the alternatives in Russian political science and shows implementation of the alternatives on akey stages of the history of the country. Author analyzes the combination of European and Russian ways in the politics of modern Russia.

Critique of the Great Patriotic War Historical Memory and Its Potential Political Consequences

The main branches of the liberal critique of the Great Patriotic War historical memory in contemporary Russia, its official interpretation and usage for political purposes are considered in this article. The material presented in the paper allows concluding that alternative comprehension of the Great Patriotic War history, which is oriented primarily to revelation of its negative sides, objectively aims at discretization of the Soviet heritage, severance of intergenerational continuity, and delegitimizing of the current political system of modern Russia.

Methodological Peculiarities of Study the Role of Internet Communications in Politics

In this article, we consider methodological difficulties of study the role of Internet communications in politics. We analyze different approaches to understanding the Internet. We draw conclusions that the introduction of Internet communications contribute not only to the transformation and modernization of the political process, but further change of research paradigm of political science.

Basic Model of the Interaction of Civil Society and State under the Conditions of Globalization

The article describes the basic model of interaction between the state and civil society institutions. Analyzed international practices of civic participation, on the example of the functioning of the Economic, Social and Environmental Council of France and the US Citizens Jury. Presented by the Russian model «mutually responsible partnership».

Features of Images of «Finno-Ugric» Republics in a Political Discourse of Public Authorities (on an Example of Republics Marii El, Mordovia and the Udmurt Republic)

The subject of the investigation performed with the method of the analysis of discourses of the official documents presented on sites of republics Marii El, Mordovia and the Udmurt republic authorities is a problem of ethnization of political discourse in the process of formation of a public image of republics in the beginning of XXI century According to the author, the degree of republican policy of identity ethnization depends not on the constitutional status of republic or ethnic structure of the population but mainly from economic potential of republics and ability
