Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1818-9601 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8998 (Online)

Scientific section. Politology

Информационное освещение политического дискурса избирательных кампаний в Австралии , Канаде и Великобритании

В данной работе исследуются особенности освещения средствами массовой информации предвыборных дебатов в Австралии, Канаде и Великобритании. В качестве основного метода анализа автор использует функциональную теорию политического дискурса избирательных кампаний. В работе приводятся данные контент-анализа газетных материалов, посвященных дебатам, а также осуществляется сравнительный анализ содержания самих предвыборных дискуссий политиков указанных государств и того, как эти дискуссии освещались в СМИ .

Реализация биографического метода в гендерной политологии

В статье анализируется познавательная ценность биографического метода, реализуемого в гендерных политических исследованиях. Обосновывается вывод о возможности системного
изучения социальных и исторических условий, конструирующих/реконструирующих гендерную асимметрию власти при помощи исследования конкретного жизнеописания.

Case Technology in Professional Training of Political Scientists

This article analyzes the situational training as one of the most effective methods of training of professional political scientists. The author identifies the strengths of the case in the process of technology development of theoretical and practical material.

Political Culture is as an Immanent Mechanism Institutionalization Social Responsibility Business Community

In article the author examines the political culture as an inherent mechanism forinstitutionalizing social responsibility the business community. The role of politicalculture is also to reduce the stochasticity (randomness, unpredictability) of politicalprocesses and risks. Features of the political culture of form-specific model ofcorporate social responsibility. Fundamental characteristics of contemporary Russian political culture is particularism and ascription.

Political and Administrative Regulation of International (Inter-ethnic) Relations in the City of Baikonur: Current State and Prospects

The article analyzes the current state and prospects of development of political and administrative control of international (inter-ethnic) relations in the city of Baikonur, functioning in the conditions of the lease. Consistently the features of the political and legal status of the city of Baikonur, studied experience of the executive authorities of the city of Baikonur to regulate international (inter-ethnic) relations.

Institutional Framework Ensure the Territorial Security Concerns of Russian Federation Subjects and Municipal Levels

The paper analyzes the legal framework and practical aspects of the formation of the institutional framework to ensure territorial security in the Russian Federation and municipalities. As a key institutional framework to ensure territorial security discussed regional and municipal legal acts primarily targeted programs approved by them on security issues, as well as functioning in the regions and local governments territorial security, subordinate organizations and appropriate coordination structures.

The Reform of Local Government in Saratov Region: the Urban Dimension

The article considers the practice of model development, local selfgovernment in the cities of the Saratov region, the interaction of local authorities with regional and Federal levels in the light of the theory of principal-agent relations.

Monocentrism Regional Authorities: Political and Legal Study of Regional Political Regimes (on the Example of Saratov Region)

The article describes some approaches to definition of the category «regional political regime», studied possible indicators of formal analysis and typology of regional regimes, the most relevant holistic and consistent model of such analysis, assessed monocentricity regional mode of the Saratov region.

Russian Parties at Elections in September 2015: Results and Prospects

Peculiarities of holding electoral campaigns on the single voting day (September 13, 2015) and main results of political parties of modern Russia are considered in the article, key tendencies in political forces’ ranking on the eve of State Duma election in 2015 are pinpointed, and prospects of oppositional parties’ participation in the election are evaluated

Institutional Factors of Forming Ties Between Political and Economic Development

The article considers the main treatments of the role of institutions in political and economic life in present-day conditions, reveals the key institutional factors of interconnection of political and economic development in post-Soviet Russia. It draws a conclusion that ancestral flaws of the period of institutialization of market economy in post-Soviet Russia inevitably came out as defects of institutialization of political system.
