Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1818-9601 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8998 (Online)

Scientific section. Sociology

Social practices of environmental consciousness: Regional aspect

The article analyzes the environmental consciousness of the region's population as a special property of reflecting the social nature of a person, expressed through personal concern about the state of the environment, through the acquisition of environmental information and practical activities to preserve and restore the natural environment. Particular attention in the article is given to theoretical approaches to the consideration of the phenomenon of ecological consciousness.

Social well-being and socio-psychological security of students with special needs in metropolis

Currently the study of the problems of people with special needs is seen in an interdisciplinary fi eld, where medicine and physiology come into contact with urban, socio-cultural aspects of life, allowing to expand the range of problems of social inclusion and disability and consider them from a new research perspective. The purpose of the research is to study the social well-being of persons with special needs in the context of the inclusiveness into urban space.

The causes of social and labor conflicts in the fi re service divisions

. The article reveals the problem of social and labor confl icts in the units of the fi re service. The theoretical basis of the study was the classical postulates on the nature of social contradictions and the role of confl icts in everyday practices of the service team, proposed within the structural-functional approach by G. Simmel and R. Darendorff . The article is based on the results of the author's study of social and labor confl icts in one of the fi re and rescue units of Saratov region.

On the issue of digital socialization

The article presents the reflection on the digital socialization. It is noted that the dynamics of actor socialization in the conditions of digitalization is due to information «challenges» that form a conscious desire to master social experience through online contexts, regardless the social actors` age.

Management of the organizational culture of a modern military team development

The article presents the analysis of theoretical approaches to the essence of managing the development of organizational culture of a modern military team. Military organizational culture is revealed as a complex of cultural values, norms, beliefs of military personnel, a managerial factor of transformation of professional changes in the modern military team.

Social conflict in the sphere of public administration: Information and communication technologies of their resolution

The article is devoted to the problem of managing social confl icts in public administration. The issues of improving communication skills and information support for management decision-making are considered. A confl ict is a constant phenomenon of modern life and quite naturally many confl ict situations take place in the sphere of public administration. This is due to a variety of views, diff erences of opinions and confl icting interests. Disagreements between employees of government bodies, their opinions or views on management problems are inevitable.

Educational strategies of Saratov State University students: Gender cross-section

The article is based on the results of the sociological study (N = 400 respondents), conducted by the questionnaire method and shows that the gender identity of the students significantly determines their educational strategy of behavior and study. There is a strong gender asymmetry between humanitarian and technical specialties. However, the strategic goals of education depend on gender. Young men are more concerned with getting a prestigious high-paying job and meeting the requirements of their parents.

Ethnic identity of the student youth of the Republic of Bashkortostan: A sociological analysis

The article is devoted to the study of the ethnic identity of the student youth of the Republic of Bashkortostan. The purpose of the study is to identify the features of ethnic identity among modern students of the Republic of Bashkortostan. The empirical material of the study is based on the results of the sociological survey of students conducted in 2022 by the Russian Society of Sociologists in different regions of Russia, including the Republic of Bashkortostan.

Contemporary youth family values

The problem of value orientations of the younger generation, including family values, attracts considerable attention of researchers, since they form the core of values of young people, occupying leading positions in the structure of basic value orientations. A certain type of relationship and upbringing is built within the family circle where traditions and life experience are passed on.

The specifi cs of Saratov youth communication practices in social and virtual space

The article present the results of sociological monitoring conducted by the method of questioning in Saratov in 2022. According to the probabilistic quota-territorial sample, 698 young Saratov residents were interviewed. The results were processed in the SPSS program. The study showed that communication takes the fi fth place among the values of young people (after health, family, friendship and freedom). In the perceptions of young people, the most eff ective channel of communication is real "live" direct communication. They trust it the most.
