Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1818-9601 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8998 (Online)

Scientific section. Sociology

Сorruption as a Social Problem

The article is devoted to corruption in modern society. Seen as a social phenomenon, which has systemic qualities, and therefore to fight against it is only possible based on the political will of the government and the support of the people.

The Phenomenon of Suicide in the Study of Contemporary Theories and Concepts of Media

The article presents the analysis of theories and hypotheses of foreign as well as Russian authors who studied social aspects of the media. The value of various scientific schools which developed their own interpretations and ideas is noted, however all the analyzed theories reveal the social character of this means of communication. The aim of the research is to explain the theoretical foundation to study the media as a social phenomenon as well as examining the notion of a suicide in the perspective of the media theory.

Religious Education: Basic Approaches to Definition and Typology

The article is devoted to the theoretical analysis of the concept of «religious education». It describes the level of knowledge and scientific elaboration issue of religious education in the domestic scientific discourse. Specifies the implementation of the legal basis of religious education and its forms in contemporary Russian society. A brief review and pooled analysis of some approaches to the definition of «religious education», developed by Russian researchers: I. V. Ponkin, I. V. Metlik, O. V. Bobrova, A. V. Kolodin, N. N. Reutov.

Language Construction of Global Social Reality

Global ambivalence causes a lot of sociocultural conflicts, reflecting washing out and loss of ethno-cultural identities, particularly in the language. Socio-cultural global discourse actualizes the phenomenon of communication pragmatism as the usage of mother, regional and global languages, depending on communication goal and human activities spheres. Multilinguism guaranties the preservation of ethno-cultural local identities. The State must ensure the free use of the mother language.

The Way to the Sources (оn Educational Importance of Genealogy)

The article presents the sociological approach analyses of genealogical aspect of generations socialization, the youth in particular. The importance of genealogy in youth education and upbringing in contemporary Russian society is emphasis.

The Problem of Gender Relations in Discourse Market Reforms in Russia

The article dials with gender relations in the context of the market reforms in modern Russian. The changing gender roles of the Russian citizens a been shown, the perspectives and directions of development of the changing women’s position in economics a been defined.

Assessment of Population Status Information about a Competition Wednesday in the Markets for Goods and Services of the Saratov Region

Article based on the results of the sociological research, conducted in Saratov and Saratov region, revealed low levels of population needs in information development competition Wednesday in the region. Analyses the sources of the information, its quality through its level indicators availability, clearness, facilities for various categories of the population. Clarifies consumers opinion about the activities of the authorities and organisations to promote competition in the city of Saratov

Ethnos, Endogamy, Blood Relationship

The problems of ethnos, endogamy and consanguinity are being analyzed in the article. Endogamy and the feeling of blood relationship are being considered as a peculiarity of a specific ethnos and they cannot be made absolute for all ethnic groups. Absence of the myth of the ethnos common origin is not always an obstacle to ethnos formation.

«In minority»: Ethnocultural Discourses of a Problem

Article considers analytical prospects in research of a phenomenon of ethnic, cultural minorities, its categorial field. Social problems, a variety and manifestations of minorities in polycultural region have been defined.

Political Identity: Theoretical and Methodological Approaches

This article analyzes the existing theoretical and methodological approaches to the problems of political identity, their heuristic potential revealed. An attempt to determine the state of political identity in the new Russian conditions, taking into account the processes of globalization and the profound social transformations in Russia. The conclusion about the need to consider the duality of conditions of formation of Russian political identity for the purpose of deeper understanding, explanation and prediction of the process.
