Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1818-9601 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8998 (Online)

Scientific section. Sociology

Особенности социальной динамики типов структуры семьи в России

The article considers the major factors affecting family structure dynamics in Russia and its change. The consequences of “the second demographic transition” are shown, in particular the growth in the number of informal “fragile” families caused the increase in the number of incomplete single-parent families.

Досуговые практики молодых рабочих промышленных предприятий

The paper describes industrial enterprises young workers leisure in Ulyanovsk. They are considered in the context of their working activity, family and consumer style. The factors connected with a work-rest schedule at the industrial enterprises, material well-being, family and children, and other biographic facts are highlighted. Leisure places of free time are characterized.

Пожилые люди: практики чтения

The article is devoted to an important but insufficiently studied, problem of reading in old age. The problem is important for developing new effective strategies of implementing the National Reading Program in Russia. The article discusses the overall state of affairs in the field of studying reading practices in the age aspect. The article is based on the results of an empirical sociological project devoted to the study of such aspects of elderly people reading problems as: motives for reading, a book, reading circle, ways of getting a book.

Социальные аспекты поддержки здоровья населения на региональном уровне (на примере Саратовской области)

The article discusses the main current trends in the population health and its social support in Saratov region. The attention is drawn to the issues of studying regional health indicators, which should be the basis for the priority activities planning in the field of health and public health support for this Federation subject, being the matters of particular importance.

Трудовые ценности иностранного предприятия как фактор выбора в стратегии занятости молодых рабочих

This article focuses on the results of young workers qualitative research, which was carried out in 2017–2018 in Ulyanovsk. The differences in the young workers’ perception of work at the foreign enterprise are shown. The analysis of human resource management practices in the context of the values of traditional Russian production culture was undertaken. Stability, partnership, personal freedom and pragmatism are highlighted as aspects of the attractiveness of a foreign enterprise.

Профессиональное становление будущих специалистов в рамках вторичной занятости студентов

The dynamics of secondary employment of students, their occupations, ways of employment, work experience, income and other characteristics are analyzed by means of the sociological research based on questionnaire and statistics. The special emphasis is put on the extent of correspondence of secondary employment with students’ future profession, labor values in particular. In the context of economic recession more students applying adaptive strategies tend to find a job, most of whom aspire to find a part time job.

Непрерывное образование как фактор повышения профессиональной компетенции работников сельского хозяйства

The article, on the basis of statistical data, analyzes the socio-demographic characteristics of the population engaged in agriculture. The system of continuous education providing workers with long-term professional competencies allowing them to remain widely sought after by employers during their working life, is studied. Based on the conducted research, the conclusion is drawn that the development of continuous education system for agricultural workers increases their professional competencies.

Коммуникативная компетентность в условиях сетевых взаимодействий

The article deals with the issues related to the rethinking the content and the role of communicative competence in the information world. The study of communicative ompetence development specifics of the virtual type becomes an urgent scientific task. In modern society, communication is a determining factor in all social processes, and accordingly, the individual communicative competence becomes its key property, providing the basic level of interrelations necessary to maintain sustainability and social reproduction of this type of development.

Социальный портрет дагестанских протестантов (по результатам социологического исследования)

The so-called «evangelical awakening» was one of the brightest manifestations of the religious component of the post-Soviet period in Russia. The followers of Protestantism were ideologists of this phenomenon. Strengthening the position of Protestantism in the post-Soviet space clearly revealed itself in the religious and social life of the Russian Federation national regions, particularly in the Republic of Dagestan. The subsequent crisis of the post-Soviet society provoked an «invasion» of Western missionaries. Their purpose was to create sustainable communities.

Информационно-цифровое неравенство населения: факторы риска и антириска

The rapid development of new information and telecommunications technologies acquires the character a global information revolution exerting an increasing influence on politics, economics, management, finance, science, culture, and other spheres of society. Informatization gives impetus to integration processes in the society but at the same time, the processes of polarization of the population are intensifying.
