Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1818-9601 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8998 (Online)

Scientific section. Sociology

Основные признаки социальной незащищенности труда в России

The article deals with the factors that destroy the social protection of labor in Russia and create social tension and antagonism between the government and the working people. Exploitation of employees is inevitable under any social order, regardless of who exploits them – the private owner or the state, but the main criterion of the socially-oriented state should be the protection of labor.

Экспертное знание в управлении регионом

Under the conditions of social processes’ transformation based on technology development, on unlimited access to information and on rising the speed of social time, there is a need of changing the approaches in governance both on federal and regional levels. There is a public demand for transparency, social expertise and wide coverage at all stages of decision making process. This kind of public request could be granted by involving independent experts at various stages of governance.

Кризисная коммуникация власти и общества в социальных медиа: определение проблемных зон

The article is devoted to the possibilities of crisis communications between the government and society in social networks. The authors are of the opinion that in modern research and political practices insufficient attention is paid to studying the potential of political communication in social networks in a crisis situation.

Хозяйственно-экономические и социокультурные основания социальной дифференциации сельских семей

The article discusses the factors of vital activity of the rural population, which affect its social differentiation. The methodological prospects of applying the subjective criterion for evaluating consumer opportunities are justified. In comparison with the objective monetary criterion, the subjective criterion reflects the social differentiation of rural families more accurately. The differences in the structure of everyday life between well-off and deprived rural households are analyzed. The wellbeing factors of rural households were determined.

Роль физической культуры и спорта в системе патриотического воспитания молодежи и механизме формирования гражданской идентичности личности

The mechanism of the person’s civil identity formation as a whole comprises, among other things, a patriotic component. The aspect of patriotic education of the young generation in the light of the global situation aggravation in the geopolitical arena acquires a special meaning. Besides, many recent investigations emphasized the need of transforming the new generation’s civil-patriotic education system.

Совершенствование механизмов лесной политики и системы управления в лесной сфере в России: социологический взгляд

The article discusses the prospects and relevance of the forest industry development, the reforms and institutional changes in the forest sector. The socio-economic conditions of sustainable development of forestry and the urgent need to rethink the processes associated with the development of the forestry system in Russia, alongside with the social consequences of the forest policy are studied. The need for studying forest policy and its improvement in the context of sociological science is updated.

Проблемы развития культуры межнационального общения военнослужащих

Currently, the contradictions of interethnic communication both in the Russian Federation as a whole and within the framework of individual military collectives worsen. At present, an important condition for the development of the culture of interethnic communication of servicemen is the process of searching and resolving internal contradictions of socio-cultural interaction of servicemen. In this context, the internal problems of the servicemen interethnic communication culture development are considered as a factor of these practices inhibition.

Специфика адаптации и навыков межличностного общения обучающихся

The article discusses the specifics of adaptation and interpersonal communication experiences of cadets and school children in teenage years. The adaptation processes are presented in the socio-psychological context of joining an educational institution and are considered as an integral part of interpersonal communication. The article consideres, interpersonal communication as an indispensable condition for any form of social and private life of a person, as well as a determinant of any type of individuals’ joint activity.

Репрезентация профессиональных групп и династий в советском медиапространстве (по публикациям газеты «Известия» 1965–1980 гг.)

The article deals with the sociological reflection of the professional groups’ and labor dynasties’ positions in the structure of Soviet society, recorded in the printed media (namely, the “Izvestia” newspaper 1965–1980). The article presents the results of the reflection on the representation specifics of the professional and generational continuity in the world of labor.

Проблема мобильности молодого поколения в малообеспеченных семьях

The article analyses the research carried out on the subject of the possibilities of social mobility for the young generation from low-income families in modern Russian society. The factors and reasons that have the greatest impact on the standard of living of low-income families are considered. The functional formula for the probability of vertical social mobility, which can be applied in further research of representatives’ social mobility of low-income families, is proposed.
