Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1818-9601 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8998 (Online)

Scientific section. Sociology

Анализ патологии социальной атмосферы в федеральных округах России

The purpose of this article is to characterize the social atmosphere in federal districts of Russia. The social atmosphere is seen as a macro-social phenomenon, denoting all spiritual and emotional processes and phenomena in society. It creates a background of social life, affecting not only social behavior, but also public and individual health. It is hypothesized that the population of different territories of Russia reacts differently on ongoing processes of country social structure transformation.

Гендерные и возрастные особенности политического поведения молодежи

According to the results of empirical research, the article reveals the age and sexual characteristics of Russian people political attitudes. The analysis shows that men, in general, are characterized by increased opposition and strict certainty in their political views, unlike women, who are generally more loyal to the elections and the current government, and their arsenal of opinions is less diverse and characterized by uncertainty.

Супружеская солидарность в позднем возрасте

The article is devoted to an important and relevant but insufficiently studied problem of marital relations in later life, which is important for developing new effective strategies of social policy in its gerontological dimension. The article considers studying the age aspect of matrimonial relations. The paper is based on the empirical sociological study of marital solidarity in later life. Marital solidarity is defined as a special phenomenon that has its own structure and dynamics.

К вопросу обоснования физкультурно-образовательного пространства высшей школы

The article reveals the content of «physical culture and educational space» concept in the context of higher education. An attempt was made to justify the physical culture and educational space of higher education as a self-sufficient type of educational space. Socio-pedagogical, social, practical and methodological levels, actualizing the need to justify the physical culture and education space are shown. The detailed reviews of sociological literature devoted to higher school educational space management improving development are given.

Институциональные альтернативы развития традиционной семьи в Дагестане

Traditional family development institutional alternatives in Dagestan are derivated from the family types which developed in Dagestan society. The authors are of opinion that as any phenomena and processes development dynamics takes place between the real and the ideal, the development of the traditional family as a social institution is directly connected with dominant trends in this area.

Занижение цены труда и устойчивость структурной безработицы в России

The reasons of structural unemployment stability in the conditions of labor-deficit situation when demand in the labor market exceeds supply are considered. The main reason of unemployment stability is caused by labor cost lowering is proved on the basis of statistical data and the author’s research. This state of affairs contradicts the basic laws of the labor market – the equilibrium between labor and working force costs.

Механизм инновационного развития человеческого капитала

Russian President Vladimir Putin set the task of making a scientific and technological breakthrough in various fields of economy, politics and education. This task can be solved only as a result of the formation and implementation of human capital innovative development effective mechanism. The study of the latter is an actual scientific problem. The purpose: the study of conceptual ideas that reveal the human capital innovative development mechanism; the refinement of this mechanism modern nature and structure in contemporary Russian society.

Концепция качества жизни в современных социологических теориях

The article reviews life quality conceptual role of society state research. During the second half of the XX century “life quality” evolved from a vague, unformed scientific expression to a scientific concept, which was later included in many theories. For most of this period, the development of this category was considered mainly in Western science. In the USSR, the term “lifestyle” became very popular. A large number of investigations were devoted to the working class way of life, the work team, etc.

Развитие социальной модели организации жилищ в модернизируемых дореволюционных многоквартирных зданиях (на примере Санкт-Петербурга)

The article deals with the possibilities of dwelling organization social model under the reconstruction of the former profit houses. The main groups of prospective dwelling consumers in central districts are revealed and their characteristic requirements to living space quality are stated. The conditions for joint inhabitance in one dwelling of various degrees of comfort apartments consumers are defined, as well as social functions` block.

Трансформация социальной сферы в системе культуры повседневности

The article analyzes the process of transformation of the social sphere in Russia. The goals of the study are: the analysis of topical images in the process of everyday life new culture formation; the comparative analysis of everyday life culture images in connection with consumer society formation in comparison with the post-Soviet period social images. The purpose of the research is to characterize everyday life culture images transformation process on the basis of attracting and analyzing a number of modern investigations in the field of sociology.
