Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1818-9601 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8998 (Online)

Scientific section. Sociology

Концепция очевидного времени в современной социолингвистике: преимущества и недостатки методологии

The article is devoted to the analysis of the concept of apparent time used by modern sociolinguistics to identify the social features of the use of language by various socio-demographic groups. There are a number of problems that can be solved by using this empirical method. The fi rst problem is the “constraints”: which language changes are possible and which are not. Historical data can only show what changes have already occurred, but not what changes are possible/impossible.

Сельская мусульманская религиозность в условиях трансформации российского общества

The article reveals the specifi cs of rural religiosity as an important factor in the development of rural society in Russia. Sociological and historical material, related to the social life of the Tatars of the Middle Volga region in the Soviet and post-Soviet periods serves as an empirical base. New, previously unpublished archival documents have been introduced into scientifi c circulation.

Культура бесконфликтного общения военнослужащих: современное содержание

The study clarifi es the current content and structure of the military personnel communication culture. To achieve this goal, the relevance of the analysis of military personnel communication culture and its functional role were concretized at the fi rst stage of the study. At the second stage, the study of the military personnel communication culture is theoretically justifi ed, its essential manifestation is revealed.

Социальный контроль как функция управления

The article, on the basis the analysis of data from a semi-formalized interview of experts on management and social control (2022, N = 12), reveals the main and additional parameters of the assessment of social control. It is proved that the main parameters of the control assessment should include traditional subsystems for checking the complex of knowledge, shared norms, procedures and the eff ectiveness of labor actions.

Рейтинг университета как элемент аттрактивности для потенциальных абитуриентов

The article presents the results of the students’ preferences study when choosing a place to receive higher education. The study was conducted at the Faculty of Philology at Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, its methodology is based on the principles of a survey implemented online on the RAEX Rating Review portal on June 14–23, 2022; the results are compared.

Медицинский туризм в России: дизайн социологического исследования и прогноза

The article considers medical tourism in Russia as a social phenomenon. The design (development of a program, hypotheses, methodology) of sociological research is proposed, which involves understanding the existing and obtaining missing information about the investigated social phenomenon. In solving these problems, it is important to understand that the genesis and development of medical tourism are infl uenced by quite numerous social factors (often acting in directly opposite directions) that actualize social reality in the time period of one to two years ago.

Технический прогресс как фактор развития института образования

Education is one of the most important institutions of social reproduction, providing both the processes of socialization and the formation of the professional competence of society members. Education as an institution is not static. It changes under the infl uence of various social factors, and, in particular, it is transformed depending on what social demands are.

Трудовая мобильность молодежи: потенциал и факторы его активизации в современных российских условиях

The article substantiates the author’s interpretation of labor mobility potential and the factors of its activation in line with the subjective mobility concept. Its empirical verification is carried out on the basis of the analysis of the mass survey data and in-depth interviews conducted by the author among the young people employed in the economy of Kursk region, and their comparison with the results of all-Russian and regional studies.

Gender aspects of the gaming practices in the youth segment of the Russian computer games audience

In the last decade, all over the world and in Russia, in particular, there has been an active development of the computer games industry and an increase in the gaming audience, while an outstripping growth of the youth audience is recorded every year. The presentation of the realities of the gaming audience of computer games is fruitful, taking into account the gender characteristics accumulated in computer games.

Оптимизация культурно-досуговой работы с курсантами высших учебных заведений Министерства обороны Российской Федерации

 The article is devoted to the assessment of cultural and leisure work with cadets of higher military educational institutions. First of all, the importance of leisure in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, in particular at military universities, is substantiated, the competent organization of which performs recreational, cultural and educational, military mass, cultural and educational, regulatory functions, as well as the function of rational organization of free time and the function of the communicative process in an off -duty environment.
