Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1818-9601 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8998 (Online)

Scientific section. Sociology

Социологический анализ вероучения и социальной организации новых религиозных движений в России

This article describes and analyzes the dogma and social organization of new religious movements (NRM) according to the author’s classification. The classifi cation was created on the basis of such criteria as the NRM interaction with society and traditional religions, geography, dogma and legal status. The fi nal analysis characterizes the movements which activities are prohibited or restricted in Russia. As a result, it is believed that Jehovah’s Witnesses is a neo-Christian old foreign (incorporated) alternative NRM of the fi rst wave, opposite to the social order.

Процесс обращения в контексте православной религиозности

The purpose of this article is a meaningful correlation of diff erent methodological approaches to the analysis of the process of religious conversion from the point of view of Orthodox confessional interpretative specifi cs. The semantic fi eld of the analysis includes important elements of the structure of conversion to Orthodoxy: the participants (subjects, agents) of conversion, motives of conversion, conversion practices, eff ects (results) of conversion, sub-eff ects of conversion, criteria (signs) of conversion.

Бедность как основа социальной депривации россиян

The all-Russian empirical data revealed that 30.6% of Russians are in the state of poverty or misery: the smaller the size of the settlement is, the poorer people live there. As the population ages, it is more prone to poverty and misery. Poverty is very strongly correlated with social and political deprivation. The poorer the population is, the wider is its range of problems directly related to survival, the more often the main source of information for it is television, the more it is limited in its information and technological capabilities.

Занятость как фактор социального самочувствия сельчан

The employment of the rural population, providing a stable income and social guarantees, is one of the key factors determining social well-being in contemporary conditions. The article is focused on the comparison the social well-being of rural population with diverse employment. The empirical basis is the sociological survey of the rural population of Khakassia (2018). Industry workers feel the best of all. State employees (education, culture, healthcare) are experiencing some depression, although it is caused by age features.

Практики женского предпринимательства в регионе: поколенческий аспект

The article presents the results of the authors qualitative sociological study of the age specifi cs of the key components of women’s entrepreneurial activity. The focus of research interest is based on the identifi cation and analysis of the key factors of female entrepreneurial activity in terms of age in relation to Saratov region. The authors used the method of analytical induction (“method of typical cases”).

Специфика эмпирических исследований цифровой социализации на материалах российского Фонда Развития Интернет

The article presents the overview of the empirical research on digital socialization of children, adolescents and young adults on the Internet Development Foundation materials. The publication activities of the Foundation in terms of methodological and empirical interest to the individual in the information society are focused on the problems of ensuring the safety of young Internet users, protecting them from illegal and aggressive content.

Молодая семья в регионе: теория, практика и проблемы семейной политики

The results of a sociological study conducted in Saratov show that the modern young family is transitional from the fi rst traditional type to the second, partner. Its life is characterized by the lengthening of the marital period, a variety of leisure activities, the traditional distribution of duties, limited material opportunities, help from parents, a high level of confl ict. Despite the low awareness of measures to support young families, the majority of respondents are aware of the need to create special programs aimed at comprehensive support of young families.

Интегрально-критический подход как направление социологического анализа политической элиты

The article discusses the features and possibilities of applying an integral-critical approach to the study of elite groups in general and the political elite in particular. The characteristic of reputational and decision-making (decision) methods, positional (institutional, formal) and value-based (meritocratic) methodological approaches often used in the past is given.

Российские моногорода в условиях макроэкономической нестабильности и действия системных рисков

This article presents the views on solving the current problems of Russian single-industry towns in the context of macroeconomic instability. The historical and economic aspects of the emergence of factory cities in tsarist Russia and the Soviet Union, the role of the phenomenon of single-industry towns in the development of the domestic material and technological base are investigated.

Концепция социальной стратификации в современной социологии

The article discusses the main idea of the concept, which is to reveal a number of problems generated by social stratifi cation in modern sociology. Using the methodological potential of sociology, the author tries to demonstrate the essence and logic of social stratifi cation as a metaphor for the development of modern society. While classical sociology pays more attention to the «master-dependent» relationship, in «modern» sociology, more attention is paid to the middle class, which contributes to ensuring a balance between the two poles of the social hierarchy.
