Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1818-9601 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8998 (Online)

A Word to Young Sociological Scientists

Социологические принципы обустройства среды обитания крупных городов

The article shows that urbanization, overpopulation and global environmental crisis lead to the need of developing citizens’ daily life new principles arrangement. The key to the formation of a favorable living environment lies in the use of scientific knowledge, modern technology, and implementation of competent urban policy within residential areas. The analysis of scientific reflection on the problems of habitat arrangement shows increasing number of studies appying an integrated approach to creating a comfortable public space.

Финансовая организация как специфический объект социологического исследования

Russia’s exit from social and economic crisis defines the need of the financial organizations’ transition to sustainable target development. Ensuring this development involves clarifying the changes in the essential characteristics of the financial organization and considering social and labor conflicts as a condition for the implementation of this development.

Духовное здоровье дагестанской учащейся молодежи: социологический анализ рисков и угроз

At presen, the study of risks and threats in youth spiritual health sphere is one of those social problems, the relevance of which simply cannot be questioned. A sociological study of the Russian society’s spiritual health is impossible without studying the spiritual health of youth as a special socio-demographic group. Student youth refers to that category of the population whose health (and spiritual health as well) is inextricably linked with the notion of «risk».

Влияние новых цифровых технологий на потребительское поведение: региональный аспект

The article analyzes various aspects of new digital technologies impact on consumer behavior. The necessity of sociological interpretation and understanding of digital reality as a large-scale socioeconomic phenomenon, and the search for social determinants of consumer behavior in these conditions are formulated. It is argued that digital technologies are promising tools for consumer behavior social construction.

Социальная толерантность и социальная нетерпимость: теоретико-методологическая концептуализация

The article is devoted to the problem of sociological research of the social intolerance phenomenon. Historically, the social intolerance phenomenon has always been a constant element of social life. The boundary between intolerance as an element of social life in the processes of institutionalization of social groups and the lack of tolerance in its destructive forms is so ephemeral that it is very difficult to define. At present, the problem of the social intolerance level in modern Russian society and the processes taking place in this sphere are very significant.

Социальные технологии в формировании положительного социально-психологического настроя молодежи как фактора национальной безопасности Российской Федерации

The article deals with the problem of negative socio-psychological attitudes between the university teaching staff and the students’ community. The article is based on the empirical research conducted in 2019 in Belgorod, BSTU named after V. G. Shukhov, as well as on the secondary results of the studies on this issue. The analysis of the data made it possible to highlight the important problems in the interaction between university teachers and students.

Модели отношения молодого поколения к казахстанским молодежным объединениям

The article presents the results of youth public opinion polls revealing three approaches to youth organizations development: political-ideological structure (a dominant one); socialization mechanism; a response to the youth problems, needs and demands. The study made it possible to reveal four attitude models of Kazakhstan youth to their associations: 1) active-conforming one, focused on achieving success within social norms (every fifth citizen of Kazakhstan); 2) radically-protestant (1–2%); 3) passive majority; 4) absentive (about 20%).

Социальная защита профессиональной группы как фактор преодоления социальной напряженности

In modern conditions the system of social protection of the population extends and additional complexes of separate professional groups are formed. The directions of social protection extend, the maintenance of the mechanism of realization of its separate subsystems is transformed. At present new theoreticalmethodological justification of separate professional groups` protection is necessary.

Социальные функции религиозной веры в рамках морально-психологического обеспечения военнослужащих

The author of the article considers religious faith in it’s social functions as a factor of strengthening the moral and psychological state of soldiers. The article gives a theoretical justification of the need of religious education within the framework of the unit’s assistant commander’s duties in working with religious servicemen. The spread of religious meanings can not only consolidate the society, but also lead to its separation. Appealing to the religious consciousness patterns should be based on the traditional religious and ethical norms.

Смысловое содержание супружеской заботы в пожилых семьях

The author, on the basis of sociological study data, conducted in Saratov in 2018, shows the characteristics of marital care in solving an elderly couple everyday problems. Care, in this context, is considered as a component of human life, accompanying a person from birth to death, as a response to questioning on life meaning, the essence of which is in complementary reciprocity, as a necessary tool for assembling the social and overcoming the “unhappy consciousness”, limiting individual existence.
