Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1818-9601 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8998 (Online)

социальное самочувствие

Social well-being and socio-psychological security of students with special needs in metropolis

Currently the study of the problems of people with special needs is seen in an interdisciplinary fi eld, where medicine and physiology come into contact with urban, socio-cultural aspects of life, allowing to expand the range of problems of social inclusion and disability and consider them from a new research perspective. The purpose of the research is to study the social well-being of persons with special needs in the context of the inclusiveness into urban space.

Свободное время и досуг как условия формирования здорового образа жизни российского населения

Статья основана на результатах социологического исследования, посвященного изучению отношения различных социально-демографических групп и слоев российского населения к здоровому образу жизни. Исследование проведено Социологическим центром РАГС при Президенте РФ по заказу Министерства образования и науки РФ в рамках реализации федеральной целевой программы «Научные и научно-педагогические кадры инновационной России» на 2009–2013 годы.


Динамика социального здоровья подрастающего поколения

Статья посвящена социологическому исследованию феномена социального здоровья молодежи. Анализируются динамика его 
изменения в трансформирующемся социуме в Саратовском регионе, дается сравнительная характеристика с другими регионами, определены факторы, влияющие на его формирование.


Относительная депривация как индикатор нестабильного общества

В статье рассматривается феномен относительной депривации как индикатор нестабильного общества. Выделяются показатели 
социального самочувствия современного российского общества.


Reviews the empirical research that illustrate three aspects of life activity of disabled persons with reduced mobility opportunities in the slice-link their social well-being and material well-being, leisure structure as an indicator of the demand for accessible tourism, including cultural tourism Wednesday wheelchair users. Proposed and justified the idea about the necessity to shift paradigms attitude of the Russian authorities to the social group of people with disabilities.

Социальное самочувствие жителей провинциального города

In article the basic reasons of low level of social well-being of the Russian province are established. Social well-being – a basic integration indicator of a way of life of people. Assessment of social well-being of inhabitants of a country town was carried out on the example of Penza by a set of criteria: basic values of inhabitants, economic situation, the most significant problems of the region, international relations, zdorovyesberegatelny behavior.

Социальное самочувствие полицейских: гендерные и поселенческие особенности

The need to study the social well-being of police officers is due to the high importance of this profession for protecting the rights and legitimate interests of the Russian population, and for ensuring public order. It examines the gender and settlement characteristics of the police officers ‘social well-being, which affect the police officers’ perception of their level of social protection, remuneration and bonuses, career prospects, satisfaction with housing conditions, relations with colleagues, friends, neighbors, and family life.

Динамика социального самочувствия саратовской молодежи: трудоустройство, ценности и опасения

The article on the results of sociological monitoring conducted by questionnaire in Saratov in 2019 and 2020 (the volume of the probabilistic quota sample was 546 and 548 representatives of the younger generation, respectively), reveals the main parameters of the social well-being of young people and shows their dynamics in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic. It is revealed that the relative stability is observed in the labor sphere as a whole. However, the confidence of young people in the demand for the obtained specialty decreased.

Занятость как фактор социального самочувствия сельчан

The employment of the rural population, providing a stable income and social guarantees, is one of the key factors determining social well-being in contemporary conditions. The article is focused on the comparison the social well-being of rural population with diverse employment. The empirical basis is the sociological survey of the rural population of Khakassia (2018). Industry workers feel the best of all. State employees (education, culture, healthcare) are experiencing some depression, although it is caused by age features.

Социальное самочувствие российских студентов в период ковид-пандемии

The social well-being of the Russian students showed how steadfastly this category of youth survived the period of the covid-pandemic peak and the post-covid stage. Mass opinion polls revealed that the new generation mastered the distance learning system, and it properly assessed the prospects for virtual learning. Russian universities adapted to the new distance learning system despite the fact that the professional and educational Internet addiction of students increased. Working students pursuing “remote work”, were included in the state program of self-employment.