Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1818-9601 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8998 (Online)

социальные медиа

Features of agenda setting in Telegram

This article focuses on the aspects of agenda formation in Russian-language Telegram messenger channels. Within the framework of the classical model of M. McCombs and D. Shaw, the main principles of agenda setting by traditional media are analyzed. Building upon the fi ndings of more recent research in the fi eld of agenda setting in the digital space, the authors highlight the advantages of social media as communication platforms and potential reasons for their increasing popularity among both individuals and political actors.


Статья посвящена аспектам формирования повестки дня в русскоязычных каналах мессенджера Telegram. В рамках классической модели М. Маккомбса и Д. Шоу анализируются основные принципы формирования повестки дня традиционными медиа. Опираясь на результаты более поздних исследования в области формирования повестки дня в цифровом пространстве, авторы выделяют преимущества социальных медиа как платформ коммуникации и потенциальные причины их возрастающей популярности как среди индивидов, так и политических акторов.

Социальные медиа как инструмент публичной политики в современной России

In article scientific interpretations of the concept “social media” are considered, functions (communicative, relativistic) and tendencies of their development during a modern information era reveal. It is proved that social media give the chance of upholding of interests in public space to both ordinary citizens, and the opposition movements. The Russian network community actively carries out political dialogue by means of social media, forming a public discourse and new forms of mass communication. 

Социальные медиа как инструмент формирования политической картины мира современной молодежи (на материалах Нижегородского региона)

The article is based on the material of applied research conducted among students of N. Novgorod, studying the political values of young people developing in the communicative space of social media, the role of network space in shaping the value picture of the world of youth, taking into account the logic of development and functioning of virtual space, its features and principles. The specifics of the impact of social media on the political consciousness (perception) of youth is analyzed, the methodological basis of which was the theory of social networks, P.

Коммуникативная структура сетевого политического лидерства: перспективы эмпирического исследования феномена

The phenomenon of the leadership in the network space is becoming the subject of modern Russian and foreign studies. At the same time, the phenomenon has not been determined. The article describes the communication structure of network leadership between the concepts of network leadership, blogger, and influencer, as well as the basis for the future empirical research.