Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1818-9601 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8998 (Online)

искусственный интеллект

Vulnerability of cultural codes as threat to the existence of civilization

The article deals with the consequences of the vulnerability of cultural codes as an actual threat to the existence of human civilization with the uncontrolled and unreasonable use of artifi cial intelligence. Positive as well as negative options for the interaction of artifi cial intelligence with cultural codes that level the understanding of the basic universals of human behavior, communication, and activity are analyzed.

Разведывательные службы ЕС: проблемы информационной перегрузки

This article demonstrates the flaws of EU intelligence agencies the past decade in the field of counterterrorism, in particular regarding Jihadi terrorism. Since 2014 the West European countries fell victim to the violent actions of Islamic State (IS), which has a huge presence on social media, both on the surface web and on the Darknet. The goal is to outline the most important case-studies of Jihadi terrorism that were plotted and carried out by the terrorists and yet, not prevented by the classical intelligence authorities.

Анализ тенденций применения технологий искусственного интеллекта в образовательной сфере

The article discusses the main trends in the field of artificial intelligence in relation to the educational sphere. The analysis of the use of artificial intelligence technologies and their impact on the higher education system was carried out. The attitude of the citizens of the Russian Federation to artificial intelligence in education was investigated. The main reasons for the fears of the respondents about the use of intelligent information systems in the educational sphere were identified.