Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Sociology. Politology

ISSN 1818-9601 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8998 (Online)

For citation:

Sanzharevsky I. I. Strategic planning in public administration as a political system of institutional instruments and goal-setting mechanisms. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Sociology. Politology, 2023, vol. 23, iss. 4, pp. 447-453. DOI: 10.18500/1818-9601-2023-23-4-447-453, EDN: KFCBNL

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Strategic planning in public administration as a political system of institutional instruments and goal-setting mechanisms

Sanzharevsky Igor I., Tambov State Technical University

The article is devoted to the subject fi eld of political science research within the scientifi c specialty “Public Administration and sectoral policies” and the analysis of the practice of state strategic planning as a political system of institutional instruments and goal-setting mechanisms in the Russian Federation. The article discusses public political and legal mechanisms for combining values and goals with the choice of ways and methods to achieve them. The constitutional exclusivity and independence of each branch of government as the basis of its strategic resource and strategic planning potential is highlighted as the fundamental public political and legal mechanism for combining values and goals with the choice of ways and methods to achieve them. A general description of the architecture of the unifi ed system of public power in accordance with the amendments to the Constitution of Russia and the current confi guration of the public administration system is given. The importance of political factor of the eff ectiveness of the administration of strategic management system and the implementation of sectoral policies in modern Russia on the basis of the mechanisms of coordinated functioning and interaction of public authorities and local self-government in a single system of public authority is shown. Fundamental changes are highlighted that make it possible to signifi cantly increase the effi ciency of the federal government in a unifi ed system of public authority with an emphasis on the implementation of national development goals of both the Russian Federation as a whole and the regions based on the sectoral structure of the economy. Attention is focused on the political goals of the regional factor of socio-economic development of territories on the basis of mechanisms and tools of strategic planning, the directions of fundamental political, legal, administrative and managerial decisions on the implementation of the regional investment standard are determined. The role of federal institutions of innovative development and provision of infrastructure projects and programs for solving the tasks of ensuring sustainable economic growth and diversifi cation of the modern Russian economy, which cannot be optimally implemented by market mechanisms, was demonstrated. Conclusions are drawn about the importance of the interpretative understanding of politics as a system of institutional tools and goal-setting mechanisms in the political and legal practice of state strategic planning for determining promising directions in the subject fi eld of scientifi c research within the specialty “Public Administration and sectoral policies”, for solving problems of improving the quality of public administration through the introduction of a management model based on big data and artifi cial intelligence, the transition of the public authority system to a data-based management model using a platform approach.

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