Izvestiya of Saratov University. Sociology. Politology. 2023, Vol. 23, iss. 4
Scientific section. Sociology
Naberushkina E. K., Besschetnova О. V.
Social well-being and socio-psychological security of students with special needs in metropolis
Elutina M. E., Nerush A. A.
Attitude towards cosplay practices in the gaming community of young Russian gamers
Pokatov D. V.
The dynamics and features of the transformation process of political elite composition in the region of the transitive type
Mogilevich B. R.
The evolution of the language personality concept in the course of constructing social reality
A Word to Young Sociological Scientists
Scientific section. Politology
Shestov N. I.
Digitalization and patriotic education: Confl ict of two basic state strategies to form political identity of Russian youth
Vilkov A. A.
Basic scholarly interpretations of new markers of political identification of youth in modern Russia
Sanzharevsky I. I.
Strategic planning in public administration as a political system of institutional instruments and goal-setting mechanisms
Pashkovsky P. I.
The main trends in the participation of domestic representative institutions in the state foreign policy mechanism